The Long Walk Home

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Buffy's gone.

She saved the world.

But theirs was shattered.

Dawn saw Buffy jump from the platform, and when it registered what had happened she ran. She sprinted down the crumbling tower, right past Ben's dead body, past any crazy stragglers still hammering metal into place. She's a slayer. She's alive. This is all my fault. She's a slayer. She's alive. slayer. slayer. slayer.

But she was too late.

Buffy was gone long before she hit the ground.

Dawn tumbled to the bottom of the stairs with no intention to stop. slayer. slayer. slayer. She wanted to be with her sister. She wanted to hug her and slap her for scaring her like that. slayer. slayer. slayer. But her feet wouldn't listen. She's a slayer. strong. alive. She felt like puking. She forced her feet forward. She could feel the pain and the sadness radiating off everyone. She was aware of Xander carrying Anya, of Tara and Willow holding each other, of Spike's knees hitting the ground and his body collapsing, of Giles standing in front of Buffy like there was something trying to squeeze him until all his bones matched his shattered heart. She was aware of her sister's chest that didn't seem to be filling with air. Dawn shook her head continuously. SLAYER. SHES A SLAYER. ALIVE. MY FAULT. SLAYER. SLAYER. SLAYER. SISTER. BUFFY. "Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP!" She shrieked, shaking Buffy's body. "No. You can't leave me, Buffy. You promised you wouldn't leave me. You can't leave me." She sobbed, hugging Buffy and rocking. "Buffy please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry. I need you, Buffy. Dad's gone. Mommy's dead. Please don't leave me, Buffy please. Come back. Come back. Please. Please please please please. PLEASE!"

The adults managed to pull themselves together enough for Xander to pull Dawn kicking and screaming away from Buffy so that Giles could carry her body to the car, the couples following behind him. There wasn't enough room in the car, and Spike had no intention of riding in it anyway. Giles laid Buffy's body carefully into the trunk, and Willow kept one hand pressed against the seat. Dawn just crumbled onto the pavement, curling up and sobbing. When Tara went back for Dawn, she was still laying on the ground. She moved to go get her but Spike was already on his way. He limped over and wiped his face on his sleeve before bending down and taking Dawn into his arms. He picked her up and turned toward Tara and nodded. She nodded back and returned to the others. Dawn turned her head to look up at Spike, who pressed a teary kiss into her forehead and began walking.

He limped the whole way, and Dawn managed to cry herself to sleep in Spike's arms. He went in the back door and carried Dawn up to her room, pulling off her shoes and jacket and pulling the covers up around her. Spike went to his crypt and went through the motions of getting himself cleaned up quickly, then grabbed all the whiskey, beer, and other intoxicating beverages he had and threw them in a duffel bag and headed back to the Summers' home. He drank until he could start to feel the effects, then grabbed his biggest bottle of whiskey he had and headed upstairs to Dawn's room, where he sat in the window sill until he consumed enough alcohol that he passed out.

Spike woke up to his whole arm already on fire and a sizzling on his face. He rolled out of the window screaming, scrabbling to the shadow by Dawn's closet. Dawn woke up screaming as well, the past twelve hours catching up to her. "She's really gone?" Her voice cracked. Spike just looked up and nodded. Dawn sank back into her bed, wiping her face with her hands. "I had a dream. And everything was the same except she lived." She told him quietly, and Spike sat watching her. "Ben dragged me to the top of the tower but you were standing there. You told them if they wanted to end the world they'd have to end you first. And then Buffy stepped out from behind you and said that if they managed to do that they'd answer to her. You killed him and Buffy hugged me and we all came home and she lived." Dawn sniffled as Spike came and sat on the bed beside her.

"I had a dream like that, too." he said, looking at the wall. Dawn looked at him in surprise, but she didn't interruppt. "I came up the tower and unchained you and we threw that snake git off the tower. Buffy even hugged me." He blew air out his nose and stared up at the ceiling, downing his last bit of whiskey.

"Do you eat pancakes?" Dawn said after a while.

"What?" Spike finally looked over at her.

"Well, Angel never ate them cause he said vampires don't eat, but you aren't Angel. Do you want some pancakes? Because I'm sure Tara came over and has some for us." Dawn explained, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

"Yeah, I'll eat some pancakes with you, Bit." Spike grinned, standing up from the bed, waiting on her before they walked downstairs.

"Tara! We're up!" She yelled, never more happy to see the brunette.

"Dawnie! " She smiled, hugging Dawn as soon as she hit the bottom of the stairs. As they hugged, Willow came out of the kitchen, grabbing Spike.

Spike stood shocked for a moment before hugging Willow back, for a moment hugging her genuinely before patting her back and saying, "C'mon, Red." Willow nodded and took a step back, teary eyed. She moved on to Dawn, and hugged her so tight Dawn even grunted, causing them all to smile. Spike stood back and stared at the group, wondering how he'd managed to get himself into this.

Eventually, they all migrated into the kitchen where they all had smiley face pancakes. Tara threw extra chocolate chips in wherever she could, telling the group chocolate has healing properties.

"Really?" Dawn asked, shoving a bite into her mouth.

"No, there's nothing magical about them." Willow teased, taking a bite of her own.

"Chocolate is magical and I refuse to believe any different." Tara grinned, flipping another pancake.

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