Caught By My Crush~

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*this is smut* I'm sorry most of these are Reddie, but if you want other ships please tell me! It's just easier for me to get ideas for these two, but if you want me to do other ships, I can if! Also, Eddie will be 17 and Richie will be 18 in this story. Enjoy~

3rd Person POV (will be this POV throughout the whole story)

It was a hot summer day in Derry, Maine. Eddie was very bored. He was reading comics and cleaning his room all day. It was currently 2:35pm and his mother announced from downstairs she was going to be running a few errands. She'd be home by 5 at the max. And with that she left leaving Eddie with the house to himself. And what does a bored teen do when alone? Masterbate. So, thats just what Eddie did.

Eddie sighed and grabbed the lube from the back of his night stand. "I can't believe I'm gonna do this." He says and grabs the dildo he owned, about 6 inches, and closes his night stand. He takes off his clothes and props the dildo up on his bed. He puts a generous amount of lube on it and some on his fingers. He circles his rim and presses in slowly.

On the other side of town, Richie decides to bike over to Eddie's house, big mistake.

Flash back to Eddie, he has about three fingers inside of his at the moment. He decides he was stretched enough for the toy. He removes his finger with a gentle moan and props himself up above the dildo. He pushes down onto it with a stretched moan.

Richie is about two blocks away from Eddie's home. He has no clue what he is about to walk into.

Eddie rests for a minute after bottoming out. He soon slowly bounces up and down on the dildo. With time he picks up the paste and is soon bouncing up and down on the toy, moaning and grunting while he does so.

Not even a minute later, Richie pulls up to the Kaspbrack household and parks his bike in front of a few bushes. Richie knows Eddie is home, he never goes out with his mother. And, Eddie's car is still in the driveway. So, he knocks on the door, but gets no response. He knocks again, still, no response. So, he grabs the spare key Eddie gave him for emergencies and unlocks the door. He hears faint squeaking from somewhere upstairs so, being Richie, he goes up to investigate. He gets closer and hears that it's coming from Eddie's room. He takes this opportunity to surprise him.

Eddie has no clue Richie is right outside his room at the moment. He is still bouncing up and down on the toy, getting closer and closer to cumming.

Richie opens the door and is shocked at the sight he sees. He sees Eddie on a dildo, bouncing up and down, and moaning. He slightly hears his name being moaned and turns even more red, if possible.

Richie watch for a bit and a clueless Eddie keeps bouncing up and down. He is so close and in such bliss, his heads shoots back and his eyes squeeze shut. Richie walks towards Eddie and rubs his back. Eddie is startled by this, his immediate thought is either A. his mother came home early, or B. one of his friends walked in on him masterbating. He squeaked and looked behind him to find Richie.

Richie looks at him and says "I heard you saying my name, what was that about Eds?" Eddie let's out a grunt and tried to say "don't know" but it comes out sort of like this, "M-mhm, don't kn- Ahhh~" he was cut short by Richie pushing in the toy as far as he could. Eddie's head goes back farther, if possible. He grabs onto Richie's shirt and says "R-Rich, p-please~" and that's all Richie needs to flip Eddie onto the bed.

To Be Continued~

*not sorry for the cliff hanger :)*

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