𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼?

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I wanted to hurry and put SOMETHING out for this book sooo, here's the chapter intro for Oikawa. I guess this will help understand your relationship with Oikawa and Iwaizumi as of now.

 I guess this will help understand your relationship with Oikawa and Iwaizumi as of now

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~ ✨~

It's so ugly."

"It's so CUTE!"

"Why do I have to be here again?"

You, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi were currently at the store, bouncing from aisle to aisle as Oikawa struggled to find a new phone cases and accessories. To be specific, Volleyball phone cases and accessories. It wasn't very surprising with how much he valued the sport.

Oikawa had recently upgraded to a larger phone and wanted the squad to go shopping with him for a new one. At least...that was the lame excuse he kept sputtering to the pair. He totally didn't get it knocked out of his hands with a volleyball for taking selfies during an important practice....Tooru was way to mature for that.

The brunette suddenly holds up a pink furry bunny phone case, practically shoving it into your face to get a closer look. You slap his hand away, earning you a whine from the taller male.

"What about this one?" Oikawa then holds up an alien phone case- you thought that it suited him more than the bunny one for sure. It matched his strange and annoying, yet creepy personality.

"Just get something so we can leave and get ice cream. If you're so indecisive, buy a couple and let's go." Iwaizumi crosses his arms in annoyance, about to make his way for the door. Oikawa was only able to get you two out here by bribing you with a new game and Iwaizumi with ice cream. Strangely enough, Iwaizumi really liked ice cream.

"I thought you wanted a volleyball one anyways?"

"I changed my mind!"


You and Iwaizumi end up walking out the store with the annoying brunette calling after you, deciding just to wait for him outside. If he thought you really went to the next store without him, he'd leave this store much faster.

"Sometimes I wonder why we're still friends with him...I don't know how you put up with him much longer than me," you laugh a bit while you and Iwaizumi sit on a bench outside. The guy just shrugs and sits down beside you.

"If we kicked him out of our trio, won't it be too awkward between us? We need an extrovert in our group," Iwaizumi chuckles in reply.

It was true, you and Iwaizumi could never be left alone together. You were both too quiet- you needed Oikawa to start up the conversations or give you someone to scold for doing idiotic things. There were times where you and Iwaizumi needed to hang with each other though. You studied together occasionally, especially whenever Oikawa was too busy with his fan girls. Besides that, you saw Iwaizumi as a brother of yours.

Even with the awkwardness, you were grateful you were able to make such great friends with the two. Mainly Oikawa.

You met the alien freshmen year of high school where you had just been left in the dust by your former group of friends. You weren't sure if you could actually call them friends though- you had nothing in common with them besides going to the same school. When you were with them, you were mostly quiet and didn't have much to contribute to their conversations.

Once you all began attending high school, you had even less interaction with the girls until you stopped hanging around them completely. Partly because they were drawn to Oikawa and his group of fangirls. You honestly didn't see what all the hype was about...

It was a little weird at first but you quickly got use to being alone. You didn't understand what you were missing out on until the nosy Oikawa coincidentally became your seat partner in biology class.

You've never in your life had someone bother you as much as Oikawa did. He'd always be in his seat next to you ready to say good afternoon, ask how you were doing, your plans for the day!- then he'd go on to talk about himself and his 'difficult' volleyball life. You couldn't say spending time with Oikawa was the worse though since he wasn't too snobby or rude. Only slightly.

He got you to help him study for Biology, invited you to his practices (which you rarely went to), and even introduced you to Iwaizumi. After seeing you weren't one of Oikawa's crazy fans, the hella buff teen accepted you as one of them. It was nice having another sane friend around to call Oikawa out for how dumb he could be.

After a while, you even became a manager to help Oikawa's volleyball team out. Just seeing your two friends out on the court encouraged you to learn more about the sport- it convinced you to show up to more practices and games to watch more.

The best thing about it was that you finally felt like you were apart of something amazing. The whole team treated you like you were all part of one big family. You'd forever be grateful to Oikawa for giving you such a belonging feeling- for making you feel special.


I love "Feel Special" by TWICE so much if you couldn't tell already 😳

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 || oikawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now