He Needs Me

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Chapter 37


I was done.

I was done with Zayn.

Its about time that I find myself and what I like. There's no going back now.

I finished up writing the last few sentences for my written assignment for astromony. Ali wanted me to meet her at that one place where they make the most delicious strawberry-banana smoothies, so we can study. I couldn't pass it up. I shoved my textbook into my backpack along with my pens.

As always, I slipped on my sneakers and unlocked my car. This time I didn't listen to the radio as I drove. For some stupid reason, every song reminds me of Zayn and I hate it. Have it be Ne-Yo playing and the first thing that comes to my mind is Zayn.

I reached the smoothie place and parked in front of the entrance. I smoothed out my shirt before exiting the car and slipping the backpack straps on.

From Ali:


I'm almost there. give me 5 min.

I rolled my eyes once I read Alison's text message. Leave it to Ali to be late. I pushed the door, with a ding  ringing in the air. I situated myself at a table and dropped my backpack onto the seat. I decided to buy myself a drink since Ali must take a while.

"Hi, what can I get for ya darlin'?" The girl behind the counter had a slight southern accent. It made me giggle, because it reminded me of Hanna Montana.

"Strawberry and banana smoothie please." I murmured with a smile.

"Alrighty, is that all?" I nodded, reaching for my wallet in my back pocket. "Two-fifty, darlin'." I slid a five dollar bill to her. "Here's your change. I'll call you for your drink. What's your name, sweetheart?" She grabbed a permanent marker, ready to write on a cup.

"Saige," The girl nodded. "I'll get your drink ready, darlin'."

I smiled and returned to my seat. I checked my phone to see if Alison updated me on her whereabouts. I huffed out a breath when I realized she's more than five minutes late. I might as well start studying if she's not going to be here.

"Saige." The girl hollered, placing my drink onto the counter.

"Thanks." I murmured, taking a sip.

The bell above the door rang every so often, but every time I looked up, Ali was nowhere in sight. I felt a bit angry at her for making plans for the both of us, only to have me waiting for nearly an hour. I decided to send her a text message to let her know I am leaving. My fingers rapidly moved across the keyboard. I tend to text a lot faster when I'm angry.

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