Noone gave suggestions 😣 -Part 9-

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Lily: Hi everyone! Today we are doing pair dares! Since we didn't get any 😣I decided we should dare each other! Just a reminder, the pairs are:
Yu and Lily
Kent's and Tithi
Tubasa and Masamune
Hingis and Madoka
Nile and Demure
Benkei and Kyoya
Hikaru and Hyoma
Mei Mei and Chao Xin
Chi Yun and Dashian

Wales and Sophie
Julian and Klaus

Ok! Now that we remember the pairs, let's get started! Madoka you can start, but you can't pick your partner.

Kenta and Tithi -Truth or Dare?

Tithi: (before Kenta could even say anything) Dare!

Madoka: Ok..... I dare you to to swap bey s for the day!

Tithi: Hey! Well at least it's just to Kenta. You'll look after Quetzalcoatl right?

Kenta: Of course I will! Here is Sagittario. Please look after it.

(They swap and poket the beys)

Lily: Ok Tithi your turn!

 Nile and Demure -Truth or Dare?

Nile: Truth

What's you biggest regret?

Nile: the time where I decided to watch a movie with my mom. It was all romantic and gross.

Lily: Ew. I don't blame ya. Demure?

Demure: One day when I decided looking with Benkei for a bull. We found one then he trampled on me in happiness.

Sophie and Wales- Truth or Dare?

Wales: after what happened last time, definitely truth

Demure: How did you to meet?

Sophie: Well that's easy. We met after we qualified after an audition for Konzerns twin jewels.

Wales: Yep

Mei Mei and Chao Xin -Truth or Dare?

Mei Mei: Dare!

Wales: Dump confetti on Kyoya

Kyoya: ugh

Chao Xin: Yes I have been waiting for this!

(They dump 3 buckets on Kyoya and by the end he is furious)

Lily: Ok Kyoya your turn

Julian and Klaus truth or dare?

Julian: I will not allow any blood to be spilt onto the Konzern family name, so I pick truth.

Kyoya: Well the question is actually for Klaus so......

(Everyone giggles and Julian looks embarrassed)

Klaus- Were you the sub because you were worse than Wales and Sophie?

Klaus: No but they work better together so... yeah. We all tied at auditions.

Masamune: that makes sense since I could be those two but Klaus could beat me.

Lily: Gdpt

Masamune: Gdpt?????

Lily: (facepalm) it means good point!

Masamune: oh....

Lily: ok! I don't know what's gonna happen this week cause I have all my exams, so until Sunday, I won't post, but it will be hols next week so. Yay!

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