Chapter 19 dog vs cat!

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a fight was on between cd and cc it went down hard blood was ever where u trued to tell them to stop but they didn't  then as cd tackled cc a lever was hit that made a chain go on ur neck u gasped for air as the two chains on ur arms were released u tried to breath but it was hard then cd saw u trying to breath he rushed over as cc ran and saw u as well they both garbed u and lifted u up so u could breath cc ran towards the lever and switched it back the chain on ur neck was gone but it left a rash and some blood light tears came down as cd put u down lightly u passes out from lack of air and cc thought u died so he felt ur pulse and it was still going he sighed and had tears in his eyes and said to himself

cartoon cat: i am so srry y/n i never meant to hurt u

cd hugged cc to help him cc hugged back crying a bit cd sighed and then cc picked u up and placed u on a bed and felt ur pulse again to make sure ur ok then long horse came in and saw u passes out he looked at cc and cd as cc was making med for u cc tried to hide his tears in his eyes as he did so yoyo walked in and hugged cd then cd rolled his eyes and cc put the med on a tables next to u but as ur pulse lowerd and lowerd it made everyone worried even ur friend had texted u a ton to see if u were ok but were u ok...

tbc, 0w0

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