Chapter 2

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{2 Clansin}

Just get what you need, and go. Come on Clansin it's not that hard. Just do it.

My mind keeps reassuring me as I walk into an old timer store called Wal Mart.

I keep my head down, and avoid eye contact with the cheerful families strolling around. They couldn't know what I was. No one could.


"Plleassse mommy, plleaasee," i beg my mother to take me to the park down the rundown street.

"I said no clansin. No means no," she sighs tiredly after a long day of work doing God knows what.

"But mommy i---"

"I said no clansin! Listen to me for once!" She yells, irritated at me.

"I sowwy mommy," i say sadly as a tear escapes my foggy grey eyes.

Mother kneels down to my level and says softly, "Clansy, im sorry honey, but you know what you are, it's not safe." She strokes my chubby, barely marked cheek softly, sadness in her eyes.

The mark had come a month ago, though it was rare for a 5 year old boy to get insanitation, it still happened. I hated it, the cursed mark.

"Mommy, i sowwy, i--i no like my mwark, it makes you swad," i tell my mother with my 5-year old lisp.

"It's okay darling, i will always love you, no matter what happens, I will be there for you," she squeezes my hand gently.

*snap, crack, snap, crunch*

"shh, it will hear you," a mean voice whispers harshly near the front of the house.

"mommy, what's t--," mother quickly cuts me off with a hand over my mouth and her eyes look intense.

"now listen closely Clansy, i need you to run as fast as you can to Auntie Fantha's house and tell her mommy sent you. Can you do that for me sweetie?" she asks urgently.

I bob my head, not trusting my small voice.

"I'm proud of you, Clansin, so very proud. Now go, run as fast as you can," she kisses my forehead tenderly then pushes my small frame out the backdoor.

I smile sadly, "I wub you too Mommy."

Then I bolt out to the street like she told me to.

As i turn back at the end of the street to wave to my mother, I see her on her knees with a gun to her head. She doesn't look scared, rather relieved that I'm gone.

The man's cold green eyes make contact with my own, and he smirks wickedly as he holds the gun to my mother's head, while he holds her head up further by a fist full of her long hair.

I look at my mother and she closes her beautiful silver eyes, as the trigger goes off.


Mother was gone, her blood splattered on our tattered porch.

That was the last time I saw the only person that understood me, that knew what I was.

***<[End of Flashback]>***

I pull my red hood further down over my eyes at the memory. I missed her so much, my mother, that it hurt.

Mother was the only one that ever loved me for what i was. What i am. What i will always be. No one has ever lived past 2 years with insanitation, until me. 10 Years is something to marvel at, but I count it as a burden.

I shake my head to clear my jumbled thoughts and quickly head to the pharmacy section to get some cheap headache pills. The headaches keep getting worse so I finally broke down and dragged my lazy ass to the nearby cheap store to get some pills.

Completely oblivous to my surroundings, I smack right into a small figure and quickly jump back suprised.

"What the hell man?! Watch where y---," she spits in anger before she looks up.

Her eyes.

Her eyes.

Her eyes.

Her eyes.

No one has blue eyes anymore. Insanitation made sure of that, now blue-eyed people were no more. No one except the girl so long ago. I remeber her: witty, strong, totally bad ass, silvery-blonde eyes.

By the time I realize that i've been staring into space for at least five minutes, I catch the glimpse of a blue hood racing out of the store and a flash of silver in her pockets.

Throwing knives, throwing stars.

I ponder how in the world she got those as I look at my own throwing knives and stars in my pockets. She seemed innocent at the time, guess I just sucked at judging people.

Families are staring at me wide-eyed, so I sheepishly pick up the fallen packets of gum and go to put them back as people still stare. Awkward much?

Once everyone finally goes back to their own business I quietly slip out of Wal Mart, thankfully without a creeper on my trail. I make my way back to the small wooden shed a couple of streets away, as I think of the girl.

Was it her?

It couldn't have been.

Her eyes though.

I shake my head and think of how in the world I was gonna keep living in my little shack. Sure it will last a few months, but how was I going to keep the cold out? Why didn't I stay at home?

I find myself asking that question everyday. I could've helped the people there, but I chose not to.

I finally get to the cabin, still doubting myself and my motives. I ran away to save them, only to get them killed instead. I feel exhausted, so I decide to just hit the hay, skipping dinner.

As I lay in my bed, which was an old box spring with a straw mattress and raggedy sheets, I think back to earlier today.


My mind wouln't get off her.

And I hated it.


Wheeww finally Clansin's POV.

*starts dancing around room*

welp im gonna try to make the chapters longer and a lil more action filled cuz i feel these other chapters were dull and boring. see yall next timee.

~one republic lover out

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