Chapter 4

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{4 Jalice}

He smirks, stepping closer to where I'm standing, and snatches the picture from my cold hands.

"So, did you find what you were looking for?" He smirks yet again.

I just wanted to slap that smirk off his face and shove it up his no good arrogant a--...I clench my hand into a fist and try not to finish that thought.

'Come on J you're better than this, just keep your cool.' I reassure myself mentally.

We stare at each other for a few more minutes before he speaks to me again, "You seriously don't remember me?" I shake my head, "Why should I?"

"Because I saved you," he says staring at me intensely.

"Ohh," I say mostly to myself, suddenly interested in my fingers.

"' to see you again Jalice," he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Same here, I don't know your name,"I reply, (for the first time in my life), shyly.

"Clansin, just Clasin."

"Ah well-er this has been awkward then..oh look at the time! Time flies when your-uh snooping in random houses. Kay BYE." With that last remark, my rollerblades are on my feet and I'm out the door and down the street faster then you can say, 'Awkward much?'

Ten minutes later I'm back at Malco's and cursing my ability of awkwardness.

Since it was already dark and Malco and the rest of the insanity weren't around, I decide just to skip dinner and go to bed. I dump my medical box and skates by the bed and grab a random medical book.

I slide uner my thick comforter and drift into a restless sleep.

*<[Flashback]>* 5 years ago

"Come on Pally! We're almost there, hurry it up!" I yell behind my shoulder to my best friend. Mother said there was a new park a couple of blocks over, so Pally and I decided to play there for today.

Nearing the park, I could see a shiny new swingset and picked up my pace. "Pally look! Doesn't it look like so much fun?! We could play all sorts of games and--Pally?" my blabbering comes to an end when I turn around to see my best friend being held by a boy, no older than twelve. Being the stupid little 10-year old I was, I run to Pally and start prying the boy's arm off her. "Let her go! I'll tell my mommy if you don't! Let her go!" I yell to him, starting to punch his arm.

"Don't come any closer little girl, unless you want a knife to your friend's back," the boy snarls back at me, a sharp knife is his left hand while he has Pally against a wall with his other hand. She starts sobbing, "Jalice help me," her brown eyes full of fear.

Looking closer at him, I see the mark of the insanitated. "Please, let her go, we didn't do anything to you! Let her go!" I yell back to him as I stomp over to Pally.

All of the sudden the boy is shoved off Pally, his knife clattering to the sidewalk. Another boy appears, about the same age as me and kicks the older boy's stomach, making sure he doesn't get up. I rush over to Pally and grab her arm, trying to calm her down.

After getting Pally calmed down, we start to run away, the boy that saved us gone like a ghost.

"Hey where'd h--," I start to say but then gasp feeling something make it's way into my upper thigh. Falling to the ground, I catch a glimpse of the older boy smirking triumphantly at us. He starts running toward us, so I look up at Pally, her eyes frightended again. "Go Pally, find help," I whisper to her harshly. She starts to shake her head no, so I scream at her as the older boy advances, "GO. I'LL BE FINE. JUST GET OUT OF HERE!"

Once that's said, Pally runs away not giving me a second glance. "Looks like your friend abandoned you..Oh well, I'll take VERY good care of you," the older boy says maliciously as he touches the knife in my leg. The pain in my thigh increases and I scream in pain. He laughs and is about to apply more pressure to it, when he falls to the ground, dead as a door knob.

The other boy appears from behind him, a gun in his hand. He puts the gun in his pocket then says to me, "I need to take the knife out, or it will increase your risk of insanitation." I nod and stretch out my leg. wincing in pain. "This is going to hurt," he says with concern in his grey eyes. With one swift motion the knife is pulled out of my leg, as I scream and arch my back in pain.

My eyes widen at the sticky, red blood from my leg on the sidewalk.


The boy picks me up, putting arms under my legs and back, slinging my arm over his shoulder. I notice the mark of insanitation on his left cheek, but theres another mark over it, wierd. He seems to know where I live, so I snuggle into his arms, drifting out of consciousness from loss of blood.

"Thank you," I say quietly.

"No problem Jalice," he replies, kissing my forehead tenderly.

And that wasn't the end of my encounters with the boy who saved me.


Hope yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Oh and if you guys have any suggestions on making my book better dont be afraid to comment! Im always open for ideas and opinions! Oh and sorry if this chapter sucked I was a little...rushed. *cough cough* @eightletterlullaby *cough* i still love you though<3

~Egg nog lover out

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