Meant to be together. ..

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The best friend's were silently lying on the warm sand, staring ahead at the ocean ahead, the huge, vast stretch was so scary yet so beautiful, both wondered how would it feel like if they would sail out in those the waves played with their feet, tingling them yet providing a soothing sensation. They were different individuals, had different aims, wanted entirely opposite things, yet something was the same, their thirst for adventure. That's what had brought them closer, made the best friends forever. A small smile tugged at her lips when she turned back the hour glass, she thought about all the beautiful times they spent together. The day when they had officially been termed by their friend "joined at the hips", the day when she held him close, crying, the day when he trusted her with his deepest secrets, and the day when they were out together having a gala time. She remembered once telling him how cool his dad was, and how much she wanted a father like him. He had playfully replied" marry me and then he'll be your dad too." Her heart had skipped a beat or two hearing this, but she controlled her emotions and went back to being his best friend... Years had passed, they grew up together, always there for each other until the very end. Ofcourse there were times of disagreement and one pleading the other for forgiveness, but that never stood between their friendship. She smiled at his beautiful calm face, eyes closed, looking so serene, but yes that dread was thre. He had overexerted himself today... they had gone to the fun park, he had made her overcome her fear of water, he had driven breaking all the speed limits and the traffic rules, had done extremely, unconditional crazy things. His heart condition had prevented him from enjoying bits and pieces for long, but for how long? His soul did not want to be a caged bird, and today he had broken all the fetters that had held him. He was happy and that made her happy too. Without opening his eye , he startled her by saying"thankyou, so much". Quirking her brow she asked "for what?".

This time he looked straight in those kohl black eyes saying "for everything, for ...just everything. I ll miss you ., u know, miss everything about you..."

She smilingly replied"no you wont, cause I will always be with you".

They did not say anything, let the silence engulf them just like the crimson light of the setting sun. he spoke again "you know, my heart can stop anytime"

She again smiled , just it was laced with sadness "the day your heart stops, my breath will too."

He was again mesmerized by the amount of love she had in his heart for him "u love me so much?" he asked , though he knew the answer.

"always..." This reply of hers was met with only a sad one which had earlier broken her heart into pieces "I'm sorry that I don't. I do love you but like a friend, I really am sorry"

She looked at him, tears glistening in her eyes, in contrast to the smile on her lips"don't be, and now idiot, shut up, and look at the sun, its so beautiful"

He followed her orders and they again stared but not at the sun, instead at the sea, dreaming of sailing in it one day, together.

Up there, in the kingdom of heaven, someone made a right choice and stopped his heart and her breath at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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