𝐩 𝐫 𝐞 𝐯 𝐢 𝐞 𝐰 ⚖︎

62 5 8


noun: proposition, plural: propositions

a suggested scheme or plan of action (especially in a business context).

"Uh- c-can you help me?", the flustered boy asked her with his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it awkwardly.

Chinai was confused on two things; for one, she'd rarely ever seen him in such a nervous state before. He had always been confident, even to the point of sheer cockiness at times, so the sight of his nervousness almost made her want to giggle.
Secondly, the two hadn't talked in a while, which was sort of normal in society at this point for bonds to gradually fall apart as people age, seeing as aging often comes along with change. They'd first met in middle school and formed quite a connection, only for it to deviate as time passed over the years.

In that moment, millions of thoughts were running though her brain, anxiously curious as to why he was seeking her particular assistance so suddenly. She then realized how stupid she looked just standing there, wondering what he wanted instead of physically answering him like a normal human being would, so she shut her locker before responding,
"Um- may I ask with what, Kim Taehyung?"

He looked down before saying, "...How to be happy again."

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion at his query... she knows they haven't been exactly catching up lately, as they had drifted apart during the previous year, but how much had she missed?

She was just about to ask him to elaborate when he spoke up again, "I know I know, it's kind of an odd question. It's hard to explain. I'll do that some other time. Not right now, not here... but please? You've always been pretty good at it, and life hasn't necessarily been kind
to me lately," his voice cracked towards the end, making her frown a little when she heard it.

"Y-yeah yeah, sure I'll do it. For old times sake," she playfully punched his shoulder in an attempt to lighten the mood a little, and it seemingly worked since the boy with bright red hair answered with a cute and shy grin.

She didn't even realize how much she missed seeing it plastered across his face until that very moment.

"I will gladly help you, but I've actually been meaning to ask if you can help me with something too.."

One of his brows quirked up in curiosity.
"Oh? What exactly are you proposing?"
Taehyung questioned, his lips slowly curling up into a sly little smirk.

Aaanddd with the flip of a switch, he's back to his obnoxiously flirty, arrogant ways. Ugh. His dumb yet charming ass smirk almost made her eyes roll back. Chinai had always found his unusual level of attractiveness very very annoying... yet after nearly six whole years of friendship, she had never actually confessed that to him that aloud; she wasn't planning on letting him know anytime soon either. Chinai knows his ego's big enough as it is.

'Oh gosh, this is gonna be humiliating..', one part of her conscience scolded her.
'Why are you doing this?! You know he's bad news Chinai, I don't think he's the same anymore...'

'Really dude?! Those are just dumb rumors and you know it! Chinai has known Tae for a long time, okay? Surely he hasn't changed THAT much. Plus, she has no one else to go to,'  the other (opposing) side of her conscience argued back. 'Who else would even bother helping her with this? Plus this is literally a favor for a favor. What the hell could go wrong?'

After a brief debate between the two battling sides of her mind, Won Chinai drew a conclusion for herself.

Oh, fuck it.
Let's just get this over with...

She sucked in a deep breath, then exhaled all the air out into one jumbled sentence,

Although rushed, it was still understood by Taehyung and she could tell by the way he stifled a laugh. Chinai scowled, knowing all-to-well that this was him making fun of the brunette. After seeing her facial expression, he then proceeded to burst out with laughter.

"So after over five years of our friendship, and now as a senior in high school, you FINALLY decide to ask the unspoken question! I always wondered when it would finally come up," he chuckled, noticing her slightly embarrassed state before he continued.

"Well, if I do help you -- and keep in mind it's a very big if, Won Chinai, you certainly came to the right place to ask. Not only an old pal, but a quite attractive one at that," he teased the girl, of course not forgetting to throw in his typical conceited remark. "But can you be a bit more specific on what exactly my role is with helping you on this topic..?"

"It's hard to explain," she mocked him, to which he half-jokingly rolled his eyes at in response. Guess it wasn't the best time for her to elaborate on her proposal either.

"Now, will you help me or not?" her cheeks were turning pinker by the second as she mentally facepalmed for asking THE Kim Taehyung -- supposedly the high school's cliche "outcast/bad boy" who also happened to be an old friend -- for such "lessons", questioning her entire existence in that moment. She was shocked she even got the balls to ask him.

What shocked her even more though, was when he held out his hand in front of her, gesturing for a handshake.

"Sure, let's shake on it. Do we have a deal..?"

She hesitated, still in shock. But a few seconds later, her face held a small grin as she put her smaller hand in his large one and shook it.


【☆】 ★【☆】★【☆】★【☆】★ 【☆】

HI im sorry that was so cliche bahahah i hate it yet i'm living for it so 😣 anyways i hope this is at least somewhat entertaining of enjoyable to you!! obviously this is just a little sneak peek but um the next chapter is just the cast, and i'll be posting the actual chapters soon! so stick around if you want eheh >.<

i hope ur all staying safe <3
and hydrated, drink plenty of waterrr :) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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