Chapter 6

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The world was silent. This world was silent at least. (Y/N) stood in a meadow once again. This time it was... grassy. The pink sky filled to the brim with crimson clouds in a dreary sort of pattern. The clouds composed themselves as if writing a symphony as they twisted and twirled in the atmosphere. The teenage girl, who wore a long white dressing gown, admired the patches of red with wonder. A voice was heard from a far off distance as (Y/N) peered back down to eye level and squinted her eyes. A distant female with long blond hair walked closer to (Y/N) and with every step had the woman's gentle voice grown more audible. The delicate pitter patter of her feet never wavered and her delicate lips never stopped moving. (Y/N) never flinched nor moved as the mystery woman grew closer and closer until they stood face to face. The woman's gorgeous hazel eyes stared into (Y/N)'s as the strange women's light pink lips moved in sync. "...6...3...3...2...0...0...4..." The faintest of noises came from the sky as (Y/N) broke her trance and looked up with traumatized eyes. Eyes peeled and stared at all directions through the clouds, which now bleeding crimson as over her. The once beautiful woman moaned and cackled, opening and extending her jaw as her bones cracked and flexed. Her pupils grew smaller all she cackled at the sky. Her collarbone shot out along with large amounts of... black goo? The crimson rain stained the creatures body immensely. The old female form soon changed. The nose became a muzzle and horns shot out from both sides of the head and the legs grew fur. All (Y/N) could do was watch as this woman... became something that wasn't human.

All (Y/N) could do was watch...

All she could do...

Was watch...

A young girl awoke from her slumber and held herself to control the endless shaking as tears sprung in her eyes. It hurt so much. It all hurt. No sane human should have to have nightmares like these. These weren't just nightmares. They were torture sessions. As much as (Y/N) wanted to stop everything in this moment, she couldn't. Today was her first day at Nockfell High. Her new school. Her new school. She couldn't let her mind wander to that nightmare, she just couldn't right now. Not when she needed to make a good first impression considering she was the new kid. Sal had mentioned his friends who he would introduce to her. It was nice to know she wouldn't be along at this school. After all, she had Sal and Larry and their friends to get her through the school year. Sally face... wha- STOP IT RIGHT NOW DON'T YOU DARE. (Y/N) internally cursed herself and got out of bed, trying to decide what she would wear. Usually she didn't plan ahead for stuff so she kind of went with the flow with a variety of things. She picked a white shirt off the ground and shivered. She had worn a white gown in the nightmare. Using all her will power to push those thoughts aside, (Y/N) rummaged through her stuff and her eyes caught onto the unopened letter she had received the day she met Sal and Larry.

She had forgotten about the fancy letter and had yet to find out what was inside. Maybe after school. After some more digging and consideration that she needed to do some serious cleaning, (Y/N) found the perfect outfit and smiled to herself at her fashion choice. She jokingly flipped her hair sassily to herself as she undressed and put her clothes on. (Y/N) twirled towards the mirror and stared at herself happily. She wore a gray tank top with slightly ripped black skinny jeans and a black jacket with holes to reveal her shoulders. (Y/N) always found the dress codes at schools to be annoying and unreasonable but she wore the jacket so she wouldn't get in trouble with any teachers.

She walked out of her messy room to greet Uncle Dave, who had tied his long red hair in a ponytail. He shuffled with the cuffs of his polished suit and wore his regular earrings. "Where you off to stud?", smirked (Y/N). Dave smiled at his niece. "Aw come on hun. You've seen me dress like this to work before." (Y/N) walked over and straightened her Uncle's white tie. "Sure, sure. Just don't try to charm your coworkers while I'm at school." Uncle Dave was bisexual and he fancied both men and women. Many people didn't think bisexuality was a legit thing and some assumed he was gay or straight with a fake love for men. (Y/N) loved her uncle no matter what and always would. After all, it doesn't matter who you love, as long as your happy. At her old school, her friend Lila was bullied for being a lesbian and her family wasn't very supportive at first. Now she's in a happy relationship with her girlfriend Ivy and her parents accept their daughter for everything that she is. Lila actually gave (Y/N) a scrapbook as a goodbye present. (Y/N) was the first person Lila ever came out to and they were as close as sisters. The memories of them singing and dancing together in Lila's room tugged at the corners of (Y/N)'s lips.

(Y/N) grabbed a quick piece of toast off the platter Dave had prepared and she slipped on her converse shoes and her backpack that sat by the door. She and her uncle said their brief goodbyes and Dave had wished her luck. She took the elevator down to the lobby where Sal and Larry were waiting for her. Then they were off to school.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope y'all are ready for the next chapter cause I plan for it to bring the TEA. I apologize for not posting sooner but I've been having a lot of writer's block lately. Thank you all so much for liking, and reading my story! I hope to continue this story till the very end so please stick around!
Love Ya~ See y'all next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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