Don't Forget Me Chapter 13

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"Did I hear what I think I just heard?" I asked Nike as I rubbed my eyes and sat up off of the floor.

"Well what is the last thing you remember before you fainted?" Nike whispered quietly.

"I fainted!" I yelled. "SHHH!" Nike said covering my mouth with his sweaty hand. "Yes you did, what is the last thing that you remember?" "Well, I remember hearing Trevor talking on the phone, saying "I don't think they suspect anything yet." I said. "That's what I heard too." Nike whispered.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked. "And where are we?" I said just realizing that we were no longer in the hallway where we heard Trevor on the phone. "We are in Trevor's house." Nike said. My eyes grew big. "Let me explain." Nike said. "After you fainted, Trevor started talking about how he was going to the bank. So I snuck in his room after he left. This is our chance, to find evidence that he killed-". "I get it" I said trying to not think about Brent. It is still hard to think about him although it was weeks ago.

We started to search the room. We checked under the bed, in the closets, under mats and even through the pages of books hidden in the back of a room that was always closed in his house.

There were no clues, until the last page. We saw a note that read "pay Brent $685 dollars before May 16". I checked my phone and it was May 15.

I remembered something from the past. Of something Brent said.

"Trevor owes me over $650 dollars! He better give it to me soon because Christmas is coming and I want to get my folks something they would like."

I smiled and then clicked back to reality. "Wait!" I said. "Didn't you just say that Trevor was heading to the bank?" I asked as my eyes widened. "Yeah!" Nike said. "He might be getting money to pay back Brent but why would he need to go get the money unless Brent was still alive?" I asked.
"Maybe he is." Spoke Nike.

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