Who ? What ?where ?

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Sarah opened her eyes and looked around ,everywhere was dark and she couldn't recognize where she was, everything seemed unfamiliar .

As she sat scrutinizing the room a tall muscular man walked in holding something she couldn't see clearly until he came close .

It was a huge metallic chain that he swung from right to left , slowly as if to taunt her . He looked at her with a pitiful and disgusted look and as he begun to chain her , he chanted,

" twalazita ! Kabuta , Malita ,nasala li za mud ."
"Twalazita! Kabuta , Malita , nasala li za mud ."

"Please let me go !"she begged as she wiggled to escape .

"I've secured the sacrifice . " He said calmly to a shadowy figure at the door .

" Good ,now leave ! "  commanded the shadowy figure .

Both the shadowy figure and the muscular man left the room and shut the door leaving Sarah once again all alone .

She sat in the darkness feeling  all the bugs and rats walk over her feet and the mosquitoes that quenched their thirst .

Sarah sat in the darkness as she tried to recall how she got herself in this situation but she couldn't remember , her memory was too blurry .

Sarah approximated it had been five days since she last saw those two men ,no food no water just the dirty droplets of water that leaked into the room that's it .

She sat lost in her own thoughts and without warning the door swung open ,the muscular man and the shadowy figure were back .

This time the muscular man came in with a huge butcher knife .
He held her head and just like that he begun chopping off her silky , black  hair ,chunk by chunk .

" oh God ! Nooo , please don't , please " she pleaded but he wouldn't listen , he wouldn't stop .

She shut her eyes and begun thinking , thinking of anything else .

"Sarah wake up ! Sarah what's wrong ??!!"

She opened her eyes and found herself in her bedroom with her mom right beside her looking at her with concern.

" Mama , he's going to hurt me , mama help me , please !" Sarah cried .

"Who love ? whose going to hurt you ? There's no one here , it must have been a nightmare ,you're safe. " her mother Susan assured her as she stroked her hair trying to soothe and calm her down .

It was all a nightmare Sarah thought to herself as she examined her bedroom , " I am safe ," she told herself , "it was all a nightmare . " she assured herself .

That morning she got ready for school just like any other day  ,she took a shower , brushed her teeth and hair and wore her school uniform .

Sarah was in form 3,just one year left in high school and she couldn't wait to be done .

And just as she was leaving the room , she glanced  at the mirror and a short girl with almond eyes and black silky hair stared back at her .

Sarah has always loved her hair , her black hair , it's different , black , silky Indian hair just like her father's .

She entered the kitchen and grabbed a plate to serve breakfast  .

" oh ! Mama help the boogie man "  her brother Karan said as he laughed at Sarah .

"Shut up !!" Sarah shouted as she rolled her eyes , " you're such a cow Karan !".

She reached school at around half past eight and just before entering class her best friend Salma tapped her shoulder and smiled with a smile they both know too well .

Yup ,it was tea time .

" Guess what ??!!"  Salma said as she raised her eyebrows ,
" he asked me out !!!" She exclaimed .

"OMG I am soo happy for you" Sarah told her as she was genuinely happy for her . 

Sarah wasn't interested in any relationship ,but there was this one person she trusted ,for her he was more like a brother ,at times even Salma even felt jealous by how Sarah trusted him more than she trusted her but she understood , they had come a long way after all .

Paul and Sarah grew up together and Sarah trusted him with her life .
Paul knew everything about her from her insecurities to her fears and she couldn't wait to tell him about her new dream and how it scared the the hell out of her .

She couldn't wait to get over with the day and meet Paul at their usual meeting spot .

Immediately after the last class , Sarah rushed to meet Paul ,but to her surprise he wasn't there ,he wasn't anywhere she looked everywhere but couldn't find him .

"Maybe he didn't come to school today ." Salma suggested .
It was true Paul had a habit of missing school and disappearing for the day without telling anyone .

"Maybe ." Sara replied disappointed.

That night Sarah got in bed and binge watched Netflix until she fell asleep .

Immediately she closed her eyes she was back . Back in the old dark room all alone . She tried screaming but no response . It was pitch black .

She tried feeling the ground to get a clue in where she was and that's when she felt it , it was her hair , her beautiful silky black hair on the floor . She was bald and her hair was on the floor all around her .

" what the hell is going on ? How did I reach here ? Why do I keep coming back here ?  " she asked herself .

"Relax Sarah " she whispered to herself , " it's just a nightmare "
But it seemed so real , too real

She begun looking for a way out or even a clue on where she was .
She crawled on the floor ,feeling the cold cement as she looked for a way out .
And that's when she noticed it , it was a small hole at the corner of the room ,she bent down and looked through the hole and saw long green grass .

"Was i in the middle of a farm ?" She asked herself .

Don't forget to tell me how it is soo far ...
~ fellow being

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