Chapter Five: We Can't Escape

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Scout awoke to the back of her head pounding. Unable to fully open her eyes, she realized her eyes weren't much help regardless, feeling a blindfold covering her face. Focusing on her other senses, Scout felt herself being dragged by two people, hearing to more sets of footsteps. One in front and one behind.

She also noticed the echo of what she was guessing to be a hallway. The soles of her shoes were squeaking against what she assumed was tile and occasionally hit what she assumed was books and paper. It smelt of mildew and dust.

After taking in what little clues she had to gather, it was safe to assume she was either in an office or school. Not that this information would help considering she didn't see either on the map she found.

After being dragged for a few more minutes, she heard a door open and was brought into what seemed like a small room.

She was dragged over to a corner where one of the hands let her go to reach for something. Scout took the opportunity, biting the other hand while ripping off the blindfold. Once the other hand let her go she began to run for the door.

She knew she had little chance of escaping, with two other figures standing in the way. Still she persisted and only stopped when one pulled out a gun and was shortly followed by the other.

As soon as she got free of their grasp, the two sets of hands were back on her wrists dragging her back to the corner.

Despite struggling, Scout's hands were bound by shackles that were chained to the wall. After securing her the two men who dragged her in left, leaving her with the other two.

She quickly realized she was in an all tile room, a shower room by the look of it. In opposite corner on the same wall she noticed a small figure curled up in a ball, panting heavily. She then turned her attention towards the remaining two hooded figures.

"Well, what do you want? Are you Outer Rims?" Scout yelled at her attackers.

The men chuckled, one walking over to the wall by the door and leaning against it, one pulling out and fold out chair and sitting across from Scout.

The chains were long enough for Scout to sit, even though her arms would be held above her head, though they weren't long enough to reach anyone in the room. Not even the person curled up in the other corner.

"I have a few questions, all very simple." The man in the chair answer. The same voice as before, number four.

"Were you on the ship that crashed? Did anyone else survive? Or are you from Eden?" The man asked slowly and calmly.

Scout took a breath. Apart of training involved interrogation, to give them enough information to keep yourself safe but not enough to satisfied the oppressor. She had no idea what this guy was going for.

" Yes to the ship, no on the other survivors, and I have no clue what an Eden is. Now what about you!" She spat.

The man chuckled, leaning back into the chair.

"You see my dear, if you answered truthfully, I would answer your questions without a second thought." He said.

"I know for a fact, that you weren't the only survivor, and if you lied about that you lied about Eden. So unfortunately my sweet, liars don't do well here, and certainly don't receive luxuries such as answers. Isn't that right Sam?" He said turning towards the person in the corner.

The ball in the corner called Sam began shaking and began whimpering," pl-please no...I-I-I can't take anym-anymore...not"

Scout felt her stomach turn now looking at the boy. He looked around fifteen and was lying in a small pool of blood, and had a broken leg by the look of it.

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