Tsunami's Guilt

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Clay's POV

"So Tsunami, do you feel guilty for what you did?"

"No, Look Clay, She was talking to Riptide. That's practically asking me to hurt her!"

"Tsunami... I was talking about the fact that you ate my lunch."

"Well ignore everything else you heard!!"

I really had to know the truth though! I couldn't rest until I knew the truth!

"But... Do you feel guilty for eating my food?"

She slammed her head into the table. Why would she do that? After making sure she was okay, I started on my homework. While doing that, I thought of questions to ask her.

"Am I being interviewed, Clay?"


Tsunami slammed her head on the table again. I think that she was starting to get annoyed with me, but if she was she would probably say so by now. I get nervous when she gets mad. I need to know if she ate my food though. That was my top priority for now. 

 "Tsunami... I don't want to yell at you, but I will if I have to."

  She looked mad for a few moments, but it was replaced with confusion. Tsunami opened and closed her mouth a few times.She stared at me, then at the table. Her eyes lit up as if she seemed to have a light bulb go off in her head. 

 "Clay, what did you eat?"

"Nothing since you ate it." 

 "No, what were you going to eat, before I ate it?"

"Pancakes, with chocolate chips, whipped cream, and a lot of fruit! It was one of the most beautiful things that I had ever seen!"

 "No Clay. I ate Starflight's food. Not yours. He had a steak, which Fatespeaker had probably mad him."

Annoying narrator:Little did they know, Fatespeaker had eaten his food. She was not guilty at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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