Chapter 4: Gift

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Hinata continued thinking about her relationship with Naruto as she, Ino, Sakura, walked towards Konoha. At this stage of their journey, none of the girls seemed inclined to talk as they were all lost in their own thoughts.

Part of it was probably exhaustion. It had been a grueling day during the rescue operation. And then after that, they'd had another demanding battle defending the village after only a few hours of sleep.

Hinata sighed and rolled her aching shoulders. Her eyes were tired from using her byakugan too much. Sleep would be nice. She couldn't wait to hit the bed once she got home.


She grinned inwardly as she thought of Hanabi and that one incident.

It was last October, the day she had planned a celebration for the two of them for Naruto's birthday.

"Today's Naruto-niisama's birthday, right?" Hanabi had asked casually. "Are you seeing him tonight?"

Hinata smiled. "Yes."

"Can you give him my gift?" her sister asked. Hanabi's eyes, so like her own lavender ones, were wide and pleading. "Do you think you can do that for me, Onee-sama?"

Hinata's eyes softened as she smiled at her sweet younger sister. "Of course, Hanabi. I think he'd really like that."

Hanabi had smiled at her, "Thank you so much! I think he'll really like it."

"What did you get him?" Hinata asked.

"I won't tell you! It'll ruin the surprise. If he really likes it, he can use it time and again." Hanabi smiled mischievously. "Don't worry it's nothing bad. It's just something to help him relax and sleep better at night."

Hinata was suspicious as she looked at the large, rectangular box. "Are they pajamas?"

"Onee-sama! As if I could give him something so bold and intimate! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Hanabi said.

Hinata flushed. "Sorry!"

"That's something his girlfriend should be getting him," Hanabi scolded. "Plus, I don't know his size."

Properly chastised, Hinata dropped the topic.

"Fine! Okay," Hanabi said, capitulating. She paused for a little bit, tilted her head, put her fingers on her lips, and gave her sister a hint of the gift inside. "Mmm, this gift is soft and fluffy, and feels really nice on your skin."

"That's so thoughtful, Hanabi!" Hinata said, really touched. Of course! Her younger sister had gotten Naruto a fluffy blanket. It would be something nice he could use at his home, something he'd have from someone else other than his girlfriend. She was proud of Hanabi for doing this nice gesture for Naruto.

"I hope Naruto-niisama likes it," she said. Hanabi shrugged then smiled.

"Oh, and when you guys are opening his gift, make sure you don't forget your nindo. How does it go again?"

"I don't go back on my word," she promptly answered.

Hinata was confused. Why ask about her credo? But she forgot about it as she still needed to keep planning his birthday. It was enough that Hanabi had thought of Naruto and had even gotten him a gift. He would love it. She imagined his smile and felt warmth flooding her.

"Right," Hanabi said with another brief smile as she left her sister in the room.

Hinata, poor unsuspecting fool, had placed the brightly colored packaged box into Naruto's hands, who'd grasped it eagerly.

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