this is it...

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I swallowed hard and i could tell Austin knew something was up.. His smile faded and he scrunched his eyebrows together and down.

Alex: Austin.... i promise you this is all my fault.

Austin: ....what?

Alex: well i've had feelings for Jennifer ever since we met her...i was going to tell her how i felt...but then you did so i had to keep it in... but i just couldnt anymore so i told her today and i...

Austin: you what alex?

Alex: i didn't realize what i was doing and i....i kissed jennifer...

Austin: WHAT THE HELL ALEX!!?-Austin hadn't taken his eyes off alex since alex had first spoken and he stood up from alex's bed.

Alex: Austin i'm so sorry... but don't be mad at jenny she pushed me off as soon as i did it... She told me what i was doing was wrong... she corrected me and i'm glad she did because i know what i did was so wrong and i still can't believe i did it... i'm sorry Austin..

Austin's eyes were on me

Austin: is everything alex just told me 100% true...?

Me: yes...

Austin: did it mean anything?

Me: what?....

Austin: did it mean anything.

Me: did what mean anything...?!


woa that was the first time Austin had ever yelled at me.... it's scary seeing him mad. i couldn't control my eyes from watering and instantly getting red.

Me:..... no Austin! why would you think that!?

Austin: i don't know jennifer i just i see you guys... i see the way you act around him and the way he acts around you... i've always thought you had a thing for him and i was surprised you said yes to me.... i always thought you would leave me for him...

i stood up and walked over to Austin.

Me: austin i'm soo lucky to have found you.. i would never leave you.. i wouldnt even think about it. i love you Austin... and i want you to always know that, never forget that.

i hugged him and he hugged back after a couple seconds.

Austin: i know i'm sorry i love you too.

Me: DON't be sorry(: - we pulled away and i leaned up and kissed him......only he didn't kiss back

Me: okay whats wrong.

Austin: what do you mean whats wrong!.. you just kissed alex, my best friend and now you're kissing me with the same lips that kissed alex's... i don't know if you would but i find it weird..

Me: i'm sorry

i hug him tightly and he hugged back(:

Alex: are we cool?

Austin: ...................... why not i can't stay mad at you forever and being mad for a couple days is pointless(:

Austin walked over to alex and they did their cute little handshake it made me smile like an idiot(:

Alex: thanks man, i owe you big time(: and i'm sorry

Austin: hell yea you do! - Austin punched Alex's arm pleayfully.

Austin: and its fine man one day you'll find somone, just gotta wait a little bit longer(;

Alex: hopefully!

i'm so glad Austin is sweet and forgiving.... if he wasn't.. hell i don't even want to think of what might have happened....

I'm glad i met him, he's everything i could ask for, he sweeat,funny,adorable,dorky,incredibly cute/hot,perfect and he's mine. He's my Austin. and i couldnt be more happy(:

after that, me and Austin left and he dropped me off at home. i went straight to my room after saying hi to my parents. i put my pj's on and crashed into my matress i fell asleep almost instantly!

My Love<3 ~Austin Mahone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now