Prophecy of Gaia

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"It has been little over three days since the tragedy in Reveance empire. It is said that the Emperor Demilog Runstet Diman Skylord was a demon worshiper. He found one of the devil summoning contracts and went on to perform a ritual. For the ritual, he even slew his subjects. It is said around 1000 lived in Cabusta Village and none were alive when the ritual was performed. But the devils summoned were too powerful to put under control and ended up killing all the Emperor's soldiers along with Emperor himself. After the demons retreated to the dimension, they came from, due to reasons unknown, the remaining army that was stationed some distance away to capture any runaways, went in to collect whatever remained of the Emperor and his bodyguards. It is also thought that Empires Archmage Viston Carlovskog was in knowing of Emperor's deeds and tried to stop him. However, the emperor captured him under false charges, and on the day of the ritual brought him as a sacrifice. But, the soldiers confirmed that they didn't find the body of Viston Carlovskog. Also, as of now the whereabouts of the crown prince, Freundlich, and her highness, the princess, Lavoria is unknown." That's it for the critical information we could find about the incident three days ago. Said the man standing in between the courtroom with people standing and listening to his report silently. But the report he read was for the lady sitting on the throne in front of him. After telling the contents of the report, the man again went info a bowing position.

"Good work. So what do we know about the movement of Nobels and if there are any chances of civil war in the empire?" Asked the lady sitting on the throne.

"Yes your highness, as of now only some people in the upper nobility knows about the truth of perishing of Emperor while most don't even have an inkling of truth. But we are sure the news will spread eventually to all incoming few weeks. The nobels in the knowledge of reality are either preparing for breaking off the empire or looking for the throne for themselves. As for the civil war, the empire constructed a false story to disguise the events at Cabusta village. So we don't think there are any signs for that as of now. I believe it's all because Norman Rheed that the information about the events is so well hidden."
Replied the man.

"That damn scoundrel of a man again! I had hoped that he would join the Sunship Kingdom instead. His talents are wasted over the empire. Only because he is the prime minister that we had so many of our plans failed. Keep an eye on him. We want to know every move he makes. Also find what happened to Viston as well. We wish him dead, as long as he lives no mage can enter in Empires capital, let alone the castle. Take as many men as you want, but we want something about him by tomorrow. Also, you said the royal heir's whereabouts are unknown. It would be related to Norman as well, I am sure. That damn pig!!"
The face the kingdom patriarch Louisana Novaly Constantine, always contorts in anger whenever she hears the name of Norman.

"At first, your majesty." After bowing down once again, the man with the report left from the courtroom.

"Everyone other than the prime minister and war council members leaves immediately. We are going to discuss matters far beyond the lower nobility to learn about. Now!" The Queen barks at everyone present in the room. Looking at the expression, all the people are already used to the "Blood Widow" behavior.

A simple girl from the commoners joined into the army 15 years ago. She was not so beautiful, but her way with the sword made her known on every battlefield she stepped on. Initially, when the King, Rudram Novaly Constantine heard of her, he took her in as personal bodyguard of the queen. She was the sole bodyguard the Queen ever needed. But she became more than just bodyguard to her. Over the years the relationship manifested from master and retainers to that of friends. But one day, the drunk King put his hands on her. At that time, hearing the news, the queen fell ill. She felt betrayed and cheated by not just her husband but her friend as well. Her condition deteriorated quickly, eventually killing her. Leaving no heir behind the Queen passes away. Hearing that, the King also went into shock and became bedridden. But on his bed, he vested his authority to Louisana. Ever since then she is working as acting ruler of the kingdom. Even though the king is still alive, she got the moniker of Blood Widow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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