Meeting w/parents & Incident with work.

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Daniella's POV

I came over to my parent's house. it is right next door. I literally just had to walk to their house. I love being able to walk to their house and not living to far from them, but still having a home of my own. My sibling's are the same. We are all living in a compound of a way. My family bought all this acreage then when we were ready they built us homes. But that is another discussion. I walk into their home and I see them and we all go into the living room. They bring me a cup of hot chocolate. They know I love hot coco when I have heavy discussions.

I told them about yesterday and they knew I was going to call Megan, but didn't think that it would take her that quick. I told them that I think that she really wanted to help me. So, we decided to do some digging into Megan's thinking. We contacted the pastor at the church she works for and from what my grandparents say, she also talks to. We explain that I am confused and trying to figure out where Megan's heart is and where she's coming from. The pastor told us that he can't go into the discussions that they had, but can tell us that she has been asking the Lord for forgiving, and working hard. That she called and said that I asked for help and he told her to go help. That when she came into work, she said that she visited the prison and that she was guaranteed that what Daniella needed would be handled. She was so happy. The pastor said that he never saw her so happy since she has started working there. She seemed like that she had new purpose and she asked if she could help others. He said he never seen her so wanting to do more to help others that were battered. We hung up and talked. Maybe Megan has changed. Maybe getting the one call from me was helpful to her.

I talked to my parents to contact Mr. Witticure. I want to discuss a way to see if we can have a phone call once every two weeks then after a month or two if it does good, we can do every week. I think I can handle phone calls. Talking to her yesterday was not to bad. So my parents contacted Mr. Witticure and he set it up that we will call her every two week for a couple hours then if it goes well then we can up the calls to weekly. We waited to see if Megan agreed, Mr. Witticure called back to say she agreed that was an understatement. I guess she was thankful.

My grandparents called and was very proud. Apparently Megan called them. It is now time for me to get to work. I left while my grandparents and my parents kept talking on the phone and I walked to my house to get ready for work. I then left to go to the hospital for a shift.

I saw Emilee, she is a nurse that we are close at age and we became friends and I told her what happened and she is proud that I have overcome my past and I am now contacting, Megan.

Today starts off slow, Then within two hours of the shift the shit hits the fan and all hell goes to the wave. I have been so busy and I am now on my break and dreading to go back. Car accidents and burning buildings, and flooding's. This was what happens today and what could went wrong happened today. I was so busy and loving every minute.

The end of my shift was coming and next thing I know the head of the department came over and said that they need me. She knew that this was going to take longer then my shift, but the case called for some delicate and some special hands and my background. I was confused until I walked into the room. The child was so beaten and torn and there was signs of sexual assault. I called in another doctor to help so that this would be a witness and help keep track records. We set up a special team at this hospital when we think this situation comes forward. So the team comes and we do our thing. The only part is, we set up that we are now the only doctors that can touch this patient until we decide what treatment is needed.

The hospital came up with this protocol due to they decided that then if the case went to court it would be easier to only have certain doctors and staff being called to testified. Instead of different and also this would be able to help with documentation and easier. This way not to many different opinions in the mix.

I started to examine the child and start to mark down every mark and every bruise. I went to do an examine for the sexual assault and the child got tense. I explained to the child that this is necessary and that I will be as gentle as possible. I also explained the child that I understand what the child went threw. The child didn't believe at first, but then I explained that I went threw the same thing. The child then broke down and told me everything. I of course documented everything. Being part lawyer, I knew that I had to document and have signatures for everything.

After all the examinations and documentation's , it was way past my shift that was to end hours ago. So I clocked out and went home. I did contact the law firm so that they could help the child. I went home and fell home, and went to sleep.

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