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"My name is Mr. Allen Jones, and I'm your Bachelor of Arts teacher."

All the girls swooned and the boys admired his patriotic and violent tats. First question from a blonde boy: "Uhm, sir, what happened to your tooth?"

"What, this?" He pointed to the missing area with a dangerous yet boyish smile, "Got in a fight with a Politian man. Told me I wasn't allowed to express myself so I punched him out cold. Then his dumb bodyguards took over and it was five against one. I woulda been fine if I'd had my bat."

Second from a brunette girl: "How old are you?"

"26," he replied with no dramas. His red eyes scanned the room of raised hands, coming to land on yours, "How about you, young miss?"

You put your arm back down and leaned forward, a coy smile coming to your face as you asked, "You discover a beautiful island in which you may build your own society. You make the rules. The first rule you make is...?"

Allen Jones smiled at your random and quirky question. He leaned forward on his desk, propping his chin upon his hand, "Being naked is mandatory at least four hours a day."


That was the first time you met Allen Jones. He told his class that he prefers to be called Al or Mr. Jones. As a University, they were pretty slack on the rules so he could make up anything he wanted in the classroom.

You thought he was pretty cool at first. You weren't as infatuated as the other students, but you could admit a good looking guy when you saw one. Not only that, being an Art student, you admired his body as a canvas. He adorned himself with various tattoos, some of meaning and others out of drunken fun.

Mr. Allen Jones was a really cool teacher. Until one day...

You blinked in utter shock, "Pardon?"

He grinned and sat on his desk, elaborating, "Well, the human body is a beautiful thing and it has urges. I believe we should exploit those urges and show it off for the World to see!" He leaned forward, a spark igniting in his red eyes, "I'm giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity, dollface. I'll let you paint me masturbating for absolutely no cost at all."

"Hahaha..." You mocked, awkwardly, holding your sketchpad closer to your chest, "Are you being serious right now?"

"All the girls, even some guys, would love this opportunity. But here I am, giving it to you," he jumped up and walked over to you, tucking a bit of hair behind your ear. His hand continued down your neck, over your arm to cup your bottom, giving it a rough squeeze, "There's something about you that made me choose you, (Y/n)-"

"-Stop," you ordered, yanking his hand off of you and stepping away from him. You gave him a deathly glare, spitting venomously, "I'm not like your posse of bitches here, 'Mr. Jones'. At first, I thought you were expressing a new art piece, one I thought had meaning and deliverance. But no. You're only trying to get into a girl's pants." You turned around and strut your way to the door, not looking back, "Thank you but I must decline. You're absolutely disgusting."

You left him speechless as you walked down the hallway, passing groups of students until you made it out of the corridor and into the open, fresh air. Once outside, you took deep breaths and almost fell to your knees, tears welling at your eyes. You can't believe him! What kind of arsehole would do that to someone?! He thinks he's some major hotshot that can take advantage of anyone that comes near him.

Well, he can't. You marched your way across the campus and to the main office, looking for a specific room. Ah, there! You knocked and when a thick, Russian voice spoke out, you entered. Whoa. You froze in your spot, angering him, and making him bite, "Close the door."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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