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I was really excited about being with Atticus, but I couldn't let mom and especially dad, know. "Sage, how was Alpha's?" mom asked. "It was fun." I lied. "We're having homemade pizza for dinner. Will you put the glasses of soda on the table?" she asked. "Sure." then I remembered me and Gabby's plan. We were having orange soda, which is good because our dish soap is orange. I just put a little drip in so we wouldn't get in too much trouble. Then I put the glasses on the table. And made sure to put Gabe's in his spot. Then we all sat down and started eating.

"This is really good mom." I said. "But gross!" Gabe said reaching for his soda glass. "Ehh. This is disgusting! How old is it?" Gabe said sticking out his tongue and making a face. "No, I just opened it. Mine tastes fine." mom stopped eating and looked at him. I was trying so hard not to laugh. So was Gabby. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. We put our plates in the dishwasher and I went up to my room. Gabby followed me. "That was awesome!" Gabby smiled. "Thanks!" I was glad we finally got away with doing something to Gabe. "I'm going to finish my homework." I said. "Ok." Gabby said leaving my room. I could tell she wanted to spend time with me. Then Atticus texted me. I told him I was doing homework, but he didn't care. He wanted to make sure I was going to watch his football practice. I told him I would, then finished my homework. I set my alarm and went to take a shower. When I was done I put on my pajamas and went to bed. I started to text Atticus, but before he replied I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my alarm and read his response. I put on my lace dress and jean jacket. Then I went to the bathroom to put on my make up. I really like dresses if you didn't realize it already! Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom made toast and scrambled eggs. "You look cute today." she smiled at me. Gabe was eating already. "Thanks!" I said. "Well I gotta get to work. Bye guys, bye Gabby!" she yelled up the stairs. "Bye mom!" Gabe and me said. "Gabby?" mom yelled up the stairs again. Then she went up the stairs to check on her. Then mom came down again. "Gabby isn't feeling well, so she's going to stay home." mom said leaving the house. I went upstairs to her room. "Gabby what's the matter?" I asked her. She pulled her purple comforter up over her face. "I don't want to go to school today." she said. I pulled the comforter off and threw it on the floor. "Gabby, does this have to do with that friends thing?" I asked her. She sat up. "Yeah." I could tell she was kind of ashamed. "Get up and get dressed, you have to show those girls that you are Gabby Ashton and they can't make you leave the school!" I was trying to give her a pep talk. "Ok." she got out of bed. I went downstairs to wait for her.

"Is Gabby being a wittle baby?" Gabe laughed and made a little kid voice. I put my hand on my hip and glared at him. "So, what was up with your soda last night?" I changed the subject. "I don't know, you tell me." he mocked my stance. "Tell you what? My soda tasted just fine." I lied to him. "Mhmmm. You didn't put anything in there." he smiled. "No, I think you just wanted attention. Now grab your bag and get in my car." I looked at the door, then back at him. School doesn't start until eight fifteen and it's five to eight right now. It only takes like five to eight minutes to get there, but I prefer not to show up at the last minute. "Gabby I'll be out in he car." I yelled. Then Gabby ran down the stairs. She was wearing a long sleeved gray shirt and a white wool scarf with dark jeans and cloth boots. "Grab your bag, and let's go." I smiled at her and walked out the door. She got in the back by Gabe and I pulled out of the driveway. I was so excited, two weeks from today is my seventeenth birthday! I parked in the school parking lot and the twins walked to the middle school. Then someone came up from behind me and put their arms around my waste. "Guess who?" Atticus said. I turned around and gave him a hug. "Hi!" I was excited to see him. "What's up?" he asked me. "My brother was being a jerk to my sister this morning, as usual. How bout you?" I didn't really want to get into detail with my morning events. Atticus smelled nice. He was wearing his black and white football jacket, dark jeans, and nice black running shoes. "That's why I'm kinda glad that my brother is on his second year of college." we walked into the school together. "I didn't know you had a brother, what's his name?" I wanted to ask him so many questions to get to know him better. "Adam. He was on the football team too." he said. Then a boy with dark hair ran up and almost tackled Atticus. "Dude! Alex, don't do that." Atticus laughed. "So who's this?" Alex said putting his arm on my shoulder. "This is Sage. My girlfriend." I pushed his arm off of me. "Whoa! You're actually dating a junior!" he laughed, then smiled at me. "Yeah." Atticus smiled at me too. "Well, I gotta get to class, see you later." I gave Atticus a hug and headed for chemistry. I guess I didn't realize that since Atticus is a senior his friends would judge him for being with me, a junior. Did he think of me as a junior or didn't he care? "Miss Ashton, which element should we mix with CO2?" Mr. Berkeley interrupted my thoughts. "Uh... Carbon." I just randomly picked something. "Yes, in this experiment that is correct." I was so glad my guess was correct. "And, Sage. I will see you after class." great, now I'm going to have to come up with a lie. "Oooooo!" Luke Zeppelin laughed at me. "That's enough Mr. Zeppelin, or you can join her! Now students, I will pair you up with a lab partner." he said. I really wanted Dallas to be my partner since she was my only friend in the class. "Sage, you can be with Luke." this is awesome, the boy I hate the most is my lab partner. "Well, I don't like you, you don't like me so let's just get this over with." he smiled at me. I went to get the beakers. "Step one... What are you doing?" Luke was sitting there staring blankly at me. "What.. Oh sorry." we started reading the instructions. Eventually Luke put his hand on my leg. I smacked it off. "What are you doing!?" he knocked the beaker off the lab table and the glass shattered. "Whoa! Don't get so mad. I thought you liked me." he whispered. "Luke Zeppelin! You can see me at three thirty in detention!" Mr. Berkeley yelled glaring at Luke. The bell rang and class ended. "Miss Ashton, I want all of my students to pay attention in my classes so they understand what we are learning. If they don't understand what we're learning, then grades change, then parents become angry with teachers, then the principle gets involved, then I may lose my job. Do you understand?" I didn't want him to go through that long rant again so I said yes sir. "Why were you daydreaming?" he asked. "I was thinking about my sister, she wasn't feeling well this morning." I lied to him. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're being a caring sister, you may go now." I stood up and opened the door to leave. "But please don't let it happen again. As for Mr. Zeppelin, I will definitely have a serious talk with him, and I'm sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable." he gave me a little smile. "Thanks." I said, then walked out the door. At least I didn't miss any class since it was break. I went to my locker and met up with Alpha for literature. "Hey girl! Dallas told me about Luke. Are you ok?" she looked really concerned. "Yeah, I just hope that Atticus doesn't find out." she stopped walking and looked me. "Are you two going out now!" I could tell she was excited. "Yeah!" she gave me a little hug. Alpha was so pretty. She had straightened her short hair and was wearing a red lacy top with black skinny jeans and tall black wedges. "Thanks! Please don't mention it around my brother and sister or my parents." if they found out that would be a disaster. "I promise." Alpha said as we sat down. Eventually class was over and I had civics next. I was in the senior civics class and basically the only girl since I have civics during the band and girls choir class period. There was one other girl in my grade in the class, Aniah Rue, but she's like the most hated girl in my grade so I try to avoid her. She has light brown long hair that she always curls, aqua blue eyes, fancy clothes, no siblings, she's about five one and the boys love her. I'm five three so she's not that much shorter than me, not that height has to do with any thing. But Alpha is five five, Dallas is five four, and Robin is five six. So if she wants to get up in our faces, we have a little height advantage over her. There's also a senior, Gia, she's really nice. She has light red hair and she's very simple.

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