i hope you guys are doing fine. it's 1 am here and there's me giving you multiple updates.heh
welcome to the last chapter :)
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"haechan, you have to know something" she mumbled quietly her fingers running through his hair.
both of them were inside haechan's room on his bed. his head on her lap as he tried to sleep. his eyes fluttered opened and he instantly got up.
her eyes looked sad somehow. worry washed all over him and he tilted his head slightly to the side.
"what's wrong?" she bit her lower lip and lowered her gaze refusing to look at him. she fiddled with her fingers and sighed. haechan waited for her patiently. it looks like she's having a hard time saying it.
"is it.. about us?" he asked carefully. his heart started beating fast scared that he had done something wrong. she shook her head almost immediately and he let out a sigh of relief.
"it's okay, baby. you don't have to tell me now. if the thing that you wanted to say is something hard, just tell me about it when you're ready" haechan grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers together.
yoonhwa heaved a deep sigh. "i don't want to ruin your mood but this thing is bothering my mind"
"what is it?" haechan moved closer towards her and he leaned forward to see her face clearly.
"when i was being held hostage at their base, hwiyoung told me something" yoonhwa said and lifted her head up. their eyes locked onto each other.
a frown was formed when he heard the name.
"he told me that yuju was one of them" haechan's eyes widened slightly. "that best friend of yours?"
yoonhwa nodded her head and grimaced when he said best friend. "she was the one who informed them where all of us were all of the time. and the attack at the shop a few months ago, she was the one who told them i was there-"
"so you're saying that your best friend whose name i don't remember-"
"it's yuju"
"yeah whatever. she was with them the whole time? so that's why hwiyoung knew you were at the hospital when you was about to get the heart surgery"
"haechan.." she could feel haechan's anger radiating off of him. his eyes darkening slightly.
"i've always had a bad feeling about her. i swear if i see her tomorrow i'm going to fucking kill her"
"don't! don't do anything to her" yoonhwa said her voice getting shaky all of the sudden. haechan lifted his left eyebrow.
"why? you should be mad, yoonhwa. she betrayed you! and she's even in the gang red sun" haechan said. yoonhwa fell into a deep silence and it got him worried.
"yoonhwa, you know that i love you right? you can do whatever you want i'm not going to stop your decisions. but if you really need to kill her i'll gladly finish her off" a smile graced her lips when he cupped her cheeks.
he stared into her brown orbs drowning himself in them. his eyes landed on her lips. he quickly looked away his adam's apple bobbed.
"god why are you making me crazy"
"haechan-!" he pushed her shoulder pinning her on the bed as he was on top of her. yoonhwa's eyes widened her heart started beating faster.
his dark eyes stared into hers his face turning serious. her voice seemed to stuck in her throat, heat rushing up to her cheek remembering what their position were.
"haechan, yoonhwa, the food's ready- oh.." the door swung open revealing jeno's shocked expression. he began to panic and quickly looked away.
"uh.. sorry to interrupt your- whatever you guys are doing" he said and instantly closed the door.
haechan turned his attention back to her. he smirked before planting a kiss on her lips. yoonhwa froze on her spot. when he felt satisfied he got off of her and pulled her hand.
"i'm hungry. let's eat"
"oh my god yoonhwa!" she halted upon hearing her name. the dreamies that were with her had also stopped walking.
"i heard that you were got kidnapped the other day. i was worried!" the smile that usually appeared on her lips was gone. yoonhwa stared yuju's worried face blankly. her eyes turning emotionless.
"were you really worried?" she asked crossing both of her arms over her chest. yuju lifted both of her eyebrows in confusion. "huh?"
"how long are you going to be fake? aren't you even tired?" yoonhwa tilted her head to the side. yuju's smile dropped down replaced with a frown.
"what are you talking about?" she narrowed her eyes at the girl standing in front of her.
"you know damn well what i'm talking about. what does it feels like to lie to your best friend? that- if i really am your friend" yuju's eyes widened as she took a step back her hands balled up into a fist.
"what the fuck are you-"
"you've been lying to my face this whole time. do you even know how betrayed i felt-"
"i was just trying to protect you!" yuju shook her head. "stop saying dumb things. i know everything now" yoonhwa took a step forward and harshly grabbed her face with her hand.
"it's useless to even say something back" a loud slapping sound made the hallway turned quiet. she pushed her face away as yuju held her right cheek that was starting to turn red by the slap.
"you fucking whore-" yuju took large steps towards her but haechan instantly stepped in front of yoonhwa.
"try to do anything stupid i won't guarantee your fucking life" yuju gulped and was about to run away until someone stopped her by the arm.
"dear best friend, i'm not done with you yet. where do you think you're going?" yoonhwa's side lips tugged upwards.
haechan smiled feeling proud as ever. jaemin shook his head while the others silently cheered for her.
"haechan you're not doing anything?" jaemin asked
"what? it's fun to watch"
she grabbed a handful of her hair and glared her. yuju began screaming and she managed to slap yoonhwa's face.
"you know what? fuck you. you're infuriating me"
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yeah that's it that's the ending. thanks for reading this book i really appreciate it. i always loved reading your comments lol.
i had a plan for the new nct dream book but it will take a while since i'm planning to make a trailer for it.