9. A War

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P'picks POV

  I thought we would at least get time to be alone together but no. Rome had to go and "invite you know who" asshole p'din. Just great.

Why him of all people? I wanted to scream and just tell him to leave. I was so uneasy at the restaurant. Yes, I admit, I was acting like a complete dick. Just seeing them together, was making my blood boil. Just go away and leave rome and I alone, got it?

I was growing super inpatient. Then rome asked me to go on a trip with him. Still being angry, I said no. He then said he'll go with din alone. I couldn't believe this.

Fine, ill go with him. I can't stand the thought of those two alone together. Then he says to that ass that they don't have to hire a car. What the hell? You only want me for a ride?

Rome is super insistent on P'din joining us. I'm super pissed. You want to go with him so badly? This bitch takes a few minutes to think about romes offer. He accepts much to my dismay.

I shoot him a deadly glare. He smirks at me. Saying that he'll "impose" on me. Fine then. If you want war then have it. Watch yourself, I will not loose to someone like you.

Honeypuppy: Pick/Rome[Offgun] Pink Lips, Sweet Face + OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now