Accell vs. blast (vs. charge I guess) part 2; the girls

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This is where we're really start the judging process. Each disc type will be judged on three categories: DPS girls, support girls, and variety. We will be keeping score so that everything can be added up. DPS will account for 10 points, support for an additional 10, and variety for 5. I will mainly be focusing on who is available in NA however I will occasionally talk about JP

Accell has a DPS girl in every single element except for the light element which is a pretty big loss since dark girls are so popular. One of the main drawbacks of full accell is that it's rather expensive as the only non-4 star unit with an AAABC deck is Rika Ayano (Fire), who is very good but suffers when not paired with the right team. Other popular DPS girls are Mifuyu Azusa (dark), Nemu Hiragi (forest), Karin misono (Fire), Rena Minami (water), Suzune Amano (Fire), and the Amane Sisters (summer) (water). There are other AAABC girls who can serve as DPS such as Nagisa Momoe (dark) and Mitama Yakumo (void) but they both suffer from a series of drawbacks that make them very bad at their job. There are also of course non AAABC accell offense units however I don't have the time to talk about every different accell strategy and how the different girls perform in them so I am only going to be talking about full accell girls. All of the full-accell girls are good at their job with the exception of the two listed above, they can all charge magia quickly and some of them even have magia gauge ups and magia gain up which are both really good for the team. The downside to the accell dps squad is that they are exceedingly frail and will crumple like wrapping paper when faced with anything stronger then a wet paper towel which is kinda counterproductive to their play style.
Most accell teams tend to just rely on their DPS's for connect support as they despise any sort of disc pollution however there are some exceptions to the rule in the form of Mayu Kozue (water), Melissa De Vignolles (water), Konoha Shizumi (water), and ultimate Madoka (light) but all of these pale in comparison to the quintessential accel support that is Madoka Kaname (light).  I believe I've talked about why Madoka is a great unit multiple times already but she works especially well on full accell because they already lack a light DPS so filling the role with Madoka gives them some way to hurt dark type girls while also providing great support. Ultimate Madoka provides the same great general support to just about any team and the three water girls all provide different types of support depending on how you want to run your team.
So there really isn't much variety here, in terms of support, Madoka is always the right answer but the three water girls are provide some odd amount of variety but not a lot of it. Most of the DPS girls have pretty straight forward magia gauge or accell up buffs with the exception of Mitama (who suffers from low attack and neutral damage on everything), and Karin (who has bewitch which is great but it isn't........ wait sorry spoilers).
Final score
DPS: 7/10 (most of the options are expensive or limited and the closet thing they have to light DPS is Oriko who has two charge discs)
Support: 8/10 (Madoka is the best support in the game but she's a one trick pony and while the other supports are all great at what they do, they all have their own drawbacks so the team can never really be optimal.)
Variety: 2/5 (like I said, Madoka is the only support which covers everything the team needs and there isn't a lot of variety in the DPS connect effects, you're basically forced to rely on magias and magias alone.)

Full blast DPS has a unit in every element with the five big ones being Holy Alina (forest), Darc (light), Kyoko Sakura (and her swimsuit version) (Fire), Ashley Taylor (or Homura Akemi depending on preference) (dark), and nanaka tokiwa (interchangeable with yachiyo Nanami) (water). All of these girls offer something different and that's truly what makes blast so good.  Holy Alina provides the curse debuff, Darc is a great tank that can still hit with decent damage, yachiyo provides crit buffs while nanaka boosts damage. Kyoko reduces damage taken by her teammates and her swimsuit one swaps out damage reduction for blast performance up. Ashley has 4 blast discs which cuts down on disc pollution and homura deals away with the light type problem girls like Ultimate Madoka and Madoka Kaname as well as cutting through opposing Darcs.
The Blast DPS girls all do a great job of supporting each other but there are a whole slew of girls with blast performance up buffs the most notable of which is Kazumi (dark) but there are also other ways to support blast teams. Holy Mami (forest) allows her teammates to boost their damage when working alongside holy Alina, and Alina Gray (forest) can work as a budget version of holy Alina thanks to her bewitch connect. Liz Hawkwood (dark) allows blast teams to overcome tank teams thanks to her ignore defense buff on connect. And ultimate Madoka can once again provide her generic blend of support. "Now Celestia", I hear you asking, "aren't all of these girls AABBC? Couldn't they also work on accell teams?" To that I say no not really. Kazumi is strictly blast support so she's out already but the other three all have problems with accell teams too, holy mami doesn't get enough chances to capitalize on her damage buff because of the way that accell teams play, Alina does fine but can't really spread her debuffs as much as she wants to, and Liz works fine as well but she pollutes the disc pool without giving a direct buff to accell teams which is the main problem.  Accell teams need supports who can help them speed out their magia so if you're polluting the disc pool AND you don't provide something that directly helps with that job then you're just not worth it most of the time.
I think I've covered the variety that boat teams have already but they can really do just about anything, the girls all have a variety of effects that, while not all blast related, all support their teams well and allow them to respond to a variety of different situation by switching around just a few team members. In the end blast teams are really helped out by not caring about disc pollution as much especially in NA since we have miss Ashley Taylor to offset the problem.
Final scores
DPS: 10/10 (Ashley Taylor alone makes the DPS section top tier but the other girls in the tier pull their weight too, holy Alina was and is one of the best girls in the game period, yachiyo is easy to raise and still manages to be a good unit, Kyoko and Darc both provide protection for their otherwise fragile teams, and homura, while not as good as Ashley, still provides great anti-ultimate Madoka offense.)
Support: 9/10 (obviously there are still holes in the support units as there isn't a unit that makes the teams completely invincible however blasts ability to slot in a variety of different supports who all serve as offensive threats in their own right scores them an almost perfect score)
Variety: 4/5 (see above)

Ummmmmm so I don't really want to go super in depth as to why charge sucks so I'm just gonna give the final scores with no context.
DPS: 3/10
Support: 5/10
Variety: 1/5

Final Talley
Accell: 17 points
Blast: 23 points
Charge: 9 points

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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