Chapter Six

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My mind felt foggy and I seemed to be tired but my body was screaming at me to wake, my eyes fluttered opened and the first thing I see is Dijiun. "You're awake." He whispered softly. "What happened?" I asked and he frowned at me. "You saved from dark energies." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Saved you? Who are you?"  He began to frown. "Don't you remember me?" I shook my head and his frown deepened. "Do you remember who you are?" He asked softly and I shook  my head. "What do you remember?" The was panic in his eyes but he covered it with impassiveness. "I remember you told me to leave." His face was flooded with relief. "Don't do that to me." He whispered and he touched my forehead, I sat up from the bed and stretched myself. "Thank you for healing me." I said as I stood up. "Where are you going?" His frown was back on his face. "You asked me to leave, I would have left earlier but the guards came asking for help." He nodded his head. "Very well then." I bowed my head and left.

Dong Hua

As she left all I could feel was the emptiness and the echo of that loneliness,  I went outside and stared at the blue sky but it felt just as cold as I did. "The sky is so grey today." I heard Yuka's voice and sighed." I heard you told XiaoBai to leave." something very dark simmered within my soul. "Don't call her that if you value your life." he snorted and lifted up his hands in surrender. "I meant Bai Fengjiu." I frowned slightly. "Is she gone?" I asked softly. "She's with Yang Yang, he is trying to cheer her up." that made my mood even darken a little more and before I knew it I was walking to Yang Yang's palace, I stood outside for a moment as I was listening to their questions. "I told you not to come here, Dong Hua will never see or appreciate you. Look at you! You took an arrow for him but forgot to treat your wound and on top of that you fought with dark energy, I don't know if this is love or stupidity!" he scolded softly. "Shouldn't you call it even now?" he asked softly. "Do you like me?" XiaoBai asked and Yang Yang went quiet for sometime. "Why are you asking me this suddenly?" XiaoBai was quiet for awhile. "You always scold whenever I do something you see as stupid or reckless, you are always with me when I'm hurt or when I'm in pain, you always help me with whatever I want even though it might get you into trouble, you don't argue with me, you just get mad and leave and when you get back to me you're alright and also you worry about my heart more than anything else." it was silent for a moment until she sighed. "To be honest I know that Dijiun is not capable of love or loving but at the same time I am already in love with him, I did my best in not showing him how I feel. Just like you said he has lived for the longest time and met many goddesses and he still didn't marry any of them, so what would be so special about me that would make him choose me, not to mention that ass of his sister is also in love with him." Yang Yang chuckled. "Yang Yang, in thirty thousand years if I'm still not married then I will marry you, if you still like me." after she said that I sent a bolt of thunder to Yang Yang's palace and I went back to my palace. I called one of the guards. "Go to the Opal palace and tell Fengjiu she's forbidden to leave heaven." the guard bowed and left quietly.

Soon after XiaoBai entered the palace. "Dong Hua what is your problem!!?" She fumed and I stared at her. "What do you mean?" I asked innocently and she huffed. "First you tell me to leave! All of a sudden I am forbidden to leave heaven!!" Her fox tails were sticking out. "You said you wanted to pay me back, but now that I allow you, you are throwing it in my face." I said coldly but the heat radiating from her melted the coldness with me. "Allow me!? You are an ass!" She glared at me. "Bai Fengjiu watch your language!!" I glared at her and even though I was glaring I wanted to laugh. "Watch my language!? Why would I listen to a stone!!!" Her face had turned puce suddenly she giggled and her anger died down. "Dijiun." She whispered and I watched her confused. "Weren't you mad just now?" she sighed loudly. "Stones don't have feelings arguing with you is pointless besides I still wanted to stay." She frowned. "You wanted to stay?" I asked uncertain. "I wanted to stay but you hurt my feelings when you told me to leave, but anyway that has nothing to do with you." I frowned. "XiaoBai, what are you not telling me!?" I exclaimed  she looked at me for a moment thoughtfully. "Stop being an ass that's what I'm not telling you." I laughed since this was not what I was expecting. "You like me don't you?" She looked at me and snorted. "Whether I like you or not has nothing to do with you besides aren't you too old for me?"  Her phoenix flower flickered. "You will stay with the other fairies." I said coldly and she laughed. "You have a mood disorder." With that she got up and she left me sitting by myself.


Dijiun has issues! He told me to stay but now he is acting like a child who got their sweets stolen! Hmm. "What are you sulking about?" I heard Mei's sweet and loud voice and I sighed. "I'm not sulking, Dijiun is a problem!" She laughed. "Trouble in paradise already." She said and I snorted. "More like ass in paradise." She got into fit of giggles. "Don't you have any regard for your life? So I take it you haven't told him how you feel?" She sighed. "Only I dare to offend Dijiun, I haven't told him I can't just go into his palace and be like Dijiun guess what! I like you! I still value my life." There was a mischievous look in her eyes. "When the sun is up in the far East come and find me!" She practically squealed. "Hey! Watch it my ears!" She looked at me apologetically. "You're sensetive to everything." She teased. "Am I supposed to die of hunger?" I heard Dijiun's cold voice, Mei bowed to him in greeting. "Suppose you die from hunger, wouldn't that be a good thing?" Mei smacked the back of my head and I glared at her. "Besides you didn't ask me properly." He sighed. "I guess your father needs to know where you are." When I heard the word father my heartbeat picked. "Ahh Dijiun I was just kidding there's no need for you to take things so seriously, I will cook right away." He smiled smugly before he turned around and left. "Fengjiu you are really daring, all the goddesses who had come to serve Dong Hua always acted shy and tiptoed around him but you're different I'm impressed." She gave me a lopsided smile. "I'm not other goddesses, I am Bai Fengjiu of course I'm different but even if I'm different isn't my fate with the same like the other goddesses." She shook her head. "There's something I don't get, he has kept you this long maybe he finds you interesting." I laughed at the thought. "I should go and cook before he calls the whole fox clan." Mei laughed and I went to the palace.

Dijiun was sitting with his eyes closed I went to kneel in front of him and I just watched him. "What are you so worried about? Even when your eyes are closed you have worry lines." I caressed his forehead ignoring the jolt of electricity that I felt. "You're not as stony as people say are you?" I sighed. "Everyone in this palace wants to be with you, but the fairies wouldn't dare try make a move on you, only I would be so brave." I put my hand against his cheek. "You are warm but your heart is cold, if your heart is cold it would be difficult to warm it. You were right I do like you but me liking you has nothing to do with why I'm here, Dijiun you hold the hearts of many how would I be different from the hearts that you have rejected after all I'm just a little fox." Sighing I left him and started making  fried rice and chicken, when I was done cooking I made lily cakes for him.

I went to check on whether his eyes were still closed but they were wide open, I dished out the food and took to him. "Dijiun." I placed the food in front of him, there was a very unfamiliar expression in his eyes, when I touched his face it was sweaty and cold. His eyes focused on me and he just stared at me. "XiaoBai." He whispered softly. "I'm here." I whispered right back. "Sit with me." I dropped down immediately. "Feed me." He said softly, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. "Huh...." I was about to speak when he spoke again. "Please." The back of my hair stood and I swallowed in spite of the nervousness I was feeling, I started feeding him. He was quiet throughout eating, and when he was done eating I made him some tea. "Dijiun would you like some cakes?" He blinked at me and he nodded his head in a childlike manner, I brought out the lily cakes and all this time he was just watching me quietly, I just decided to carry on feeding him. His silence was worrying me. "I didn't know you can bake." He said softly, I smiled at him. "I love baking more than cooking but I can't have you living off sweets now can I?" He smiled but he went quite again. "No one has ever baked for me." Something tugged at my heart and I found myself caressing his face. "Then I will always bake for you and make sweets for you." He nodded his head, I had made fifteen lily cakes for him and he ate them all. "Stay with me, don't go." I looked at him. "Dijiun what's wrong?" He lifted up his hand as if wanting to touch me but he stopped himself. "Just stay with me." I nodded my head. "How is your wound?" I frowned. "It's fine." He didn't look convinced. "Let me see it." My face flushed. "Dijiun...." He sighed. "Either you remove the robe yourself or I will do it myself." My face felt hot but carefully I slid my robe of my shoulder, he removed the bandaged Yang Yang had put and using his magic he healed it and then he touched face. "XiaoBai." Then he closed his eyes. I sat there unable to understand what just happened or what is wrong with him but I just stayed there staring at his beautiful face.

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