Chapter 1- What Am I Doing Sitting Here?

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Your POV
I was sitting on sofa in Mark's living room, staring into space. It's a habit that I had since I was young. I stared into nothingness, every sound around me was tuned out. I don't know what was out there, but something was out there.....what is it? I NEED to figure out what it is. I started to mumble to myself. Afterwards, I felt someone shake me hard. I snapped out of my trace and turned around. It was Mark, smiling goofily. I rolled my eyes and growled. "You were doing that.....weird habit again. Seriously, Y/n, you need to break the hell outta that." Mark said. "You are the worst," I huffed. "I know, " Mark giggled. "Okay, what do you want from me?" I asked. "I have a friend coming from Britain soon," Mark replied. "Who? Is it Felix and Marzia? PJ?" I continued to question. "No, no. Not them. Remember that one guy I was talking to you about?" Mark answered. "Uh, yeah. You said his name was Jack or something like that, " I said as I rubbed my nose. "Uh-huh. He's coming to LA to visit, " Mark said. "Oh, really?" I gasped. Mark nodded slowly. Then, he looked at phone. His eyes were wide. "Shit, I need to get to the gym soon. Bye, Lil Sis." Mark patted my head and I watched him sprint up the stairs. I sighed and stretched. My phone beeped suddenly. Someone texted me.

AnthonyPadilla: Hey Y/n
You: Anthony! Hi!
AnthonyPadilla: How are things?
You: Good good
You: Hbu
AnthonyPadilla: Ive been alright. Life's treating me well
You: What's the REAL reason why u texted me?
AnthonyPadilla: Cuz N/n, im askin if you wanted to do a video with me
You: Of course!
You: Speaking of which, what are you doing?
AnthonyPadilla: I'm interviewing TV and movie producers
You: Holy shit
You: Thats AWESOME
AnthonyPadilla: Woah, woah. Calm down. Im recording tomorrow
AnthonyPadilla: I'll see you tomorrow?
You: Yeah
AnthonyPadilla: Awesome. Bye and thanks for everything
You: Np. Bye

"Oh, that's cute.
"I'm not stopping you, Y/n. Go get him...."
Mark came down the stairs in a shirt and shorts and sneakers. I was very puzzled so I stopped him at the door. "What the fuck are you implying, Mr. Fischbach?" I asked. Mark looked away and rubbed his neck nervously. "Uh, nothing." He choked. "No, Mark. You told me to "Go get him". Are you saying that I have a crush on Anthony?" I said firmly. "N-No....." He denied. I gave him the look. His face started to twitch as he tried to withhold the stare. Mark was slowly begun to crack. He groaned loudly. "FINE! I admit it! I thought you had crush on Anthony. But by the looks of it, you are not lying." Mark admitted. "SERIOUSLY?! Of course I wouldn't be lying! If I'm not wrong, he has a girlfriend. "
I said, rather irritated. "Well, I'm sorry." Mark apologized. "It's fine." I whispered. He motioned me to move out the way. I watched as he opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him. It was probably a misunderstanding. I mentally take note that I should talk to Mark later or tomorrow. I walked back to the living room to sit down. That's when it dawned to me. What am I doing just SITTING here? I have a video to prepare for tomorrow! You might think that it's too early for that but I disagree. It has totally saved my ass a couple times in this past. I ran upstairs and into my room to start picking out my clothes. This might take a while.

Was up guys! THEMITHROSSNEKO here! It's been a while since I've uploaded, huh? Since we are stuck inside, I wanted to write a lil story in the mean time. Thanks for sticking around
Stay cursed y'all~

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