Dinner at the Montgomerys

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The Montgomerys finally approved Aria and Ezras love for each other, well not exactly approved but they wanted to give it a try since Aria is non stop talking about him.

But Aria is scared, since they revealed their relationship to Aria's parents her father went crazy.

She was not allowed to wear a skirt or even a top to school. Byron even though about to send her to an boarding school only for girls.

Aria clearly wasn't happy about it and since then she was mad at her dad.

She was really worried about what will happen since he hadn't seen Ezra in four month.

He just texted her that he'll bet there in ten.

10 minutes had passed by an a loud knock on the door appeared. Aria started so shake. Before she opened the door she took a last deep breath. Then she slowly opened the door.

She directly looked in his beautiful blue eyes.

„Hey Aria" Ezra said with a smile on his face

„h-hey, c-come in" Aria began to stutter

As Ezra entered the room she closed the door and took another deep breath.

„Ezra" Byron said and shook his hand. „I brought you something from my trip to New York" Ezra said and handed him a new scotch bottle.

You could see Arias fear in her eyes. But Ezra always have this 'special' look that calms her down. He use it often I class and now he used it here; it worked until her mother interrupted.

She hugged Ezra „it's so good to see you" she said with joy

Everyone in this room was confused. Aria knew that her mother kinda supported them but that she liked him was new, or was she just playing?

„It's so good to see you too, Ella" ezra said Kind confused while looking at me.

There was a awkward silence until the silence were interrupted by her dad

„So who is hungry" he asked

Aria nodded and sat down next to Ezra, he saw that Aria was uncomfortable so he decided to put his hand on her thigh. She smiled to herself and put her hand over his.

They ate in silence. But for Aria it wasn't an awkward silence anymore because she knew that Ezra were there.

After they ate Aria began to clean the kitchen. Ezra actually Wange to help but Byron pulled out the scotch that Ezra just gave him two hours ago.

Ella helped Aria to clean the kitchen. After they finished to clean up they went to the living, and believe it or not, Ezra and Byron were talking and they seemed to have... fun?

„Ezra just told me that he want to transfer to Hollis" Byron said proudly.

Ezra looked at Aria worried because he knew she doesn't know from anything yet.

„YOU WHAT?!" Aria screamed at him

„Aria let me explain" Ezra said

„I thought she knew about it?" Byron said

„Oh no" Ella said while trying to calm Aria down

„Ezra why wouldn't you tell me this??" Aria asked while a few tears escaped her eyes

„How should I? Your parents took away your phone" Ezra said while he stood up

„You could talk to me in school" Aria said

„Please Aria stop crying" he said trying to calm her down

Ella went outside with Aria.

„I'm sorry I overreacted my hormones are playing crazy" Aria said without thinking what she actually just said

„YOU ARE PREGNANT?" Ella practically screamed

„Mom no, calm down it came out the wrong way, sorry. And I'm on birth control remember? Aria said trying now to calm her down

„You scared the hell out of me" Ella said while trying to catch her breath

Aria just laughed. They went back inside. Aria is still pissed at Ezra.

„Aria can we please talk in private?" ezra asked and waited for her permission.

Aria nodded and they went upstairs to her room.

„Look Aria I'm really sorry and I should've talk to you" Ezra said in his 'sorry' voice.

„Bit it's still not changing the thing that you'll transfer to Hollis" she said angrily

„I know but think about it, we could go TOGETHER to public places. We could go out on a date. A real date." he said smiling

„I hate you but at the same time I love you, but I still don't like this idea" she said

„Pleeeeeeease give it a try" he said while he made 'the puppy eyes'

„Don't look st me like this!" she said trying to look away. But Ezra lifted her chin up and got closer and said „please again"

„no ezra" she said

Ezra got much closer now only Inches apart from her lips

„please?" he tried it one more time

„ugh, fine you little boy" she said

After she said that he immediately pressed his soft lips against her. Things got heated but until it got I heated they got interrupted by a knock on the door.

They got apart and Aria opened the door, her mother stood in front of it.

„I just wanted to look if everything is okay" she said with a smirk on her face

„Yes and mom you're not allowed to do that" she said

„Do what, what did I do?" she asked

„I saw that smirk on your face" she said while laughing

They went back downstairs and Ezra said goodbye to Byron and to Ella. Ari and Ezra shared a goodbye kiss and he left.

Okay so this is my first story I've ever wrote. I'm sorry it's so bad but I actually had a another story but this story got deleted somehow, I don't know!
And sorry for any typos I don't reread my storys. But I hope you still liked it!!

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