what the hell?!

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It was a normal day, everything seemed fine between Aria and Ezra.

After school Aria wanted to surprise Ezra, since he was really busy with correcting homework's. As she arrived, Ezra wasn't there.

She was confused because Ezra actually needed to be at home. But she actually didn't cared about it, she thought that he would be in the Brew (this is his favorite place)

She sat down and started to do her homework's with his computer. She opened his computer, not wondering what she could see, but what she saw made her angry and mad!

She called Ezra. He answered „hey babe, what's up"

„Where are you?" she tried not to sound mad

„I'm at home" he said

Aria was getting angrier and angrier

„oh really? And why do I exactly see NO ONE in here?" she said while she began to scream

„Where are you?" he asked now getting mad

„I'm in your apartment. I wanted to surprise you!" she said

„Just wait there, I'll be there in 10" he said while hang up

Aria couldn't believe it, WHERE THE HELL WAS HE. Why does he kept it as a secret from her. She now got mad and confused!

10 minutes past by Aria sat on the couch, checking her phone, as she heard that someone opened the door and she knew exactly the someone need to be Ezra.

Aria stood up and looked very angry

„Why are you lying to me?" she asked upset

„Aria calm down I'm sorry I can explain" he said trying to hug her but she pulled him away

„Don't touch me, ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME??" she asked screaming

„Aria? Cheating on you? Seriously? I could never cheat on you, you're the love of my live" he said trying to calm her down"

A small smile appeared on her face but it faded away fast.

„Now explain what were you thinking?!" she asked nervously.

„Remember your father.. he gave me this opportunity to-" he got interrupted by the sound of arias voice.

„The job opportunity in New York" she asked disappointed.

Ezra shyly nodded, he was scared what her reaction would be.

„ARE YOO BEEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" she asked now getting louder.

„Aria I'm sorry I've should have told you earlier" he said now holding her hand.

"Why are soy doing this to me?" Aria asked disappointed. "New York is miles away" she said

"I'm not saying I'm taking this job offer" he said while sitting down.

He pointed on the empty spot next to him "Aria please sit down next to me so we can talk" he said

After a lot of convincing Aria finally agreed and sat down next to him.

Ezra took her hands "look at me" he said

But Aria still kept looking down

"Look at me" he said a little bit louder

"Just talk" she said

Ezra let go of one of her hands, he lifted her chin up in his direction. "Now we can talk" he said

"I'm not taking this job offer but what would your dad think if I wouldn't had gone to the meeting"

"I don't know and I don't care, I'll do everything to keep you" she said

Ezra smiles a little

"Please stay over " he said trying to convince her

Aria agreed since it was already 9pm.

"I'll order pizza" he said while standing up and grabbing his phone.

She nodded Aria was still mad he could talk to her.

She changed into a big shirt from Ezra. She loved his shirts. Since she was so small, her shirt perfectly cover everything till her knees.

She walked back out and sat on his table where his computer was. And remembered what she found earlier that day. She got pissed again but she decided to say nothing.

The pizza finally arrived they ate in silence or when Ezra asked something she just nodded.

"What's going on? I already told you that I'm sorry" he said while he stand up and sat next to her.

"Nothing" she said

"Aria Marie Montgomery! Talk to me" he said and got mad

"See I'm talking, it's nothing" she said while getting up. "You know I just should go home" she said and went to the door.

"You're not leaving" he said while took her hand and sat her back down.

"I'm just tired" she said

"Okay then let's go to bed" he said while picking her up and carried her in bride style to bed.

Aria felt kinda uncomfortable but she didn't want to ruin the moment with another fight so she just let the another thing go. But not for to long.

They laid in bed not facing each other.

It was unusual for them. Because Aria always laid with her head on his chest and they wrapped their arms around each other.

Ezra wrapped his arms around her. She turned around, now facing him. She took a deep breath and finally spoke up.

"Who's Jackie" she asked nervously

Ezra immediately got up and looked her in her eyes

"It was an accident, I needed you computer for homework's, and then I saw your page.. and Jackie.. with you.. and did I mentioned the ring? Because she wore a ring.

"She was my girlfriend in college, actually she was my fiancé" he said and saw a now really mad Aria.

"Why didn't you mentioned that you had a FIANCÉ?!" She asked while getting louder.

"I'm sorry, I really am" he said worried

"I told you everything about me!!" She said mad

"Look I'm really sorry I just thought I wasn't necessary to tell you that" he said

"NOT NECESSARY?! Are you kidding me?" She screamed

"Aria calm down I'm sorry okay?! But I love you and only YOU" he said while getting mad too

Aria took a deep breath "Were you in love with her she you met me?" She asked scared she actually doesn't wanted to know the answer.

"To be honest yes. But I immediately fell in love with you, Aria I love you don't you see it?" He asked

"You really hurt me today but we can't get through this. I believe in us. I love you too!" She said while pressing her lip against his.

They laid back down and now Aria's head was on his chest and they wrapped their arms around each other tight. He kisses her head and they both fall asleep.

Okay this is my second story, I hope you like it! Sorry for any typos, again I did not reread it!

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