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Panting, we carried on walking. I mean, that's all anyone could do at this point, right? Despite our tired legs; we hauled a bag of ...something along our shoulders, even if it wasn't much, nor was it sanitary, it was food. In the past few weeks, it was becoming increasingly harder to find decent food now, which was obvious I suppose. Georgia grabbed what she could but we had limited time, so whatever she grabbed, we just hoped it was good, or at least edible. She was never usually good in those types of situations. The times where your life could be over in seconds, the ones where your life could be flashing before your eyes in any second, we can be quite hard on her, but now that I think about it, none of us are ever prepared for those. I try not to think about that sort of stuff, at least when I'm safe. They always say 'be on guard', but the times where everything's quiet, and there's nothing to fight against, are the moments I truly cherish. I guess, in some way, I still wished I could become completely calm, and at peace, and not constantly be worrying for the ones around me. For example, us, right now, walking back to our shelter, along a quiet road with empty houses and broken streetlights, should be such a calming sight, but we all looked on edge.

To pass the time, I thought I take a look around the street. It wasn't a neighbourhood we've known before at all, but I could tell things were extremely different now. A normal suburban house, once just a small feature which would go unnoticed, was now a total mess of furniture and collapsed walls, with no homeowner insight to fix it, nor will there ever be again. I wish I could have seen some of the houses before all this, all neat and well kept might have considered living here, I can tell it'd be a nice living. My wholesome thoughts were deeply cut short by Damien's groan, coming from beside me.

My head snapped towards my left, to look at him. Luckily, he didn't notice my uncertainty, but I could notice his, as he was busy carrying most of the bags. I'd met Damien first, shortly after the outbreak. He actually saved me, once or twice, so I owe him my life. His was always so serious, but he was helpful with quite a lot of things, including keeping my sanity together - it's almost as if he was prepared for the apocalypse, but, not emotionally. He always had this look in his eye, every time we saw something move that... wasn't quite alive, like he couldn't actually believe it, or maybe he just didn't want to.

As I noticed his gaze slightly turn towards me, I quickly turned my head to my right, to look at Georgia. It was painfully obvious from her fiddling with her fingers to her breath still unable to stay steady, she was still worried about having to flee from the supermarket, but I don't blame her. Shit became hectic very fast and in situations like that she sometimes just shuts down. She had been that way since I saw her, unable to really recover from these tough situations quickly as Damien would. Sometimes I would catch her late at night, just humming as she looked outside. Very musical and always there to calm us down.

I'd like to think I made an impact on the two because they sure did to me. Honestly, I didn't even think my life would come to this, my parents always said I would do great things in life, but for the most part, I've been the same old Jasmine. For once, things were going so well. College was becoming a breeze, I just got my new apartment, and I was finally happy, or content, you may say. Then, people started talking. rumors spread. 'There's a virus, its turning people into zombies, it's just like the movies!' As any normal people would, I ignored their extraordinary warnings. And, well, look where it got me. Walking down the street, with two strangers I barely know, walking back to a place I couldn't even feel safe enough to call home.

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