Chapter 3

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Henrik woke to the feeling of a gentle palm on his forehead, and an odd beeping and wind in his ears. "Móðir?"(Means Mother) He mumbled, trying to force his eyes open. "Beka?"

He only saw white, white ceiling, white walls, white machinery and there was something on his mouth, helping him breathe.

"Hi honey. How are you feeling?" A woman stood at the bedside, black curly hair against a pale, motherly face, light brown eyes full of concern.

Henrik managed to move his right hand and give her a thumbs up, which made her smile.

He heard movement on his other side and turned his head to see Alan asleep beside his bed. "He's been there all night." The woman told him. "He was very worried about you."

He smiled slightly, touched that the Druid cared about him.

"Do you remember what happened?" The woman asked.

Henrik frowned. "Panic attack." He echoed Scott's words. "I couldn't breathe."

She nodded. "Scott and Allison brought you in. You were unconscious. Scott's my son, he's out in the waiting room, but Allison's dad came and picked her up. Have you ever had a panic attack before?"

He shook his head. "Had nothin to panic about." He mumbled.

"Do you know what caused it?" She inquired.

He hesitated before deciding to be as honest as possible. "Wolf attack. Killed my family." He offered.

"Is that how you got the scars?" She prodded.

He made a noise of confirmation, a mix of a hum and a grunt that didn't mean no.

She nodded, and gently brushed his hair back. "Okay honey. Get some sleep, and the doctor said you can go home in the morning."

He nodded too, closing his eyes again, and was asleep within seconds.


Henrik's Pov(finally the first pov)

I shut my eyes and wake in the middle of the forest.

I look around and the I froze when I heard a growling sound behind me.

I stand up slowly being careful not to make any sudden movements. I turn at the sound of branches breaking and I see a Scott but he is a werewolf and I turn to run away but then I see Ayana.

I scream. And I jolt up out of the hospital bed and I see Scott McCall next to my bed.

(Scott in his dream

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(Scott in his dream. Just pretend it's Scott with his true alpha eyes)

I feel myself start to panic at the fact that a werewolf was right next to me.

I could also feel my magic pouring of my body trying to protect but before I could attack.

The door swings open

And Deaton comes running in as he quickly come towards and trys to calm me down.

10 minutes later. I'd finally calmed down. And I look around the room as Scott looks and me and Deaton with curious look on his face as if he's trying make sense of something.

And then finally Deaton broke the silence in the room.

Uuhh Rik(Henrik) I'm gonna go down to the vending machines to get you some food ok. And while I'm gone Scott gonna watch you ok. Deaton says

I replied with a slight nod as he smiles and walks out of the room and shuts the door being him.

I look up to see that Scott looking at me as if he wanted to ask me something.

And I immediately got nervous and I could feel my heart rate rising.

As we both sat in a uncomfortable silence.

Hey uhh Rik umm sorry to ask but uhh what are you?. Asked Scott

My heart stopped immediately at the the question he asked and I could tell he could here my heart beat going faster and faster.

Because your and Deaton don't seem like normal people you smell different to. Asked Scott

I opened my mouth to reply but then I rembered what Deaton told after he took me in.

(Flash back)

OK so if your gonna live in my house and eat my food there's gonna be some rules your gonna have to follow said Deaton as we where on a drive to our so called home.

Rule number #1

Never I'm mean ever reveal what you are to anyone I don't care who it's is because if they find out. There either gonna A blackmail you into doing there biding or they will and most definitely kill you without a second thought.

You catch my drift Henrik?

I turn to look at him as I see he was being very serious.

Yes sir. I replied

That's my boy. Deaton said

As he brought his hand to ruffel my hair up a bit.

(end of the flashback)

I look down into my lap to avoid eye contact.

I really don't know what your talking about? I said as I look up to make eye contact with him.

I put on my most innocent and curious look I could mister at that moment.

But it backfired and I could feel my heart rate rising.

And the heart rate monitor starts beating must faster he looks at me then at the monitor and then back at me again. With a curious look on his face.


I hear Scott's phone ringing.
He then answers his phone.

I completely ignored everything he was saying on the phone as I thought of how I'm gonna tell Deaton.

Hey Rik I gotta go my friend needs  me and I got a party to get ready for. Tell Deaton I said I'll see him tomorrow and get well soon Rik. Oh and I was wondering if you'd like to hangout sometime and maybe you could come to a party me and my friends are having at my friend Lydia's lake this Saturday?

OK. I replied

He got up and passed me a paper with the address I assume and then he left the room and as I heard the door click I realesed a breath I didn't know I was keeping.

*Sigh* That was close. I replied

What was close?

I froze and tear my gaze in the direction of the door and Deaton staring at me with a serious look on his face.

And where's Scott?. Said Deaton


What's gonna happen next is Scott and his pack  gonna do about Henrik lieing to his face or even worse what's Deaton gonna do about it.

Please comment if I made a spelling mistake this is only my first story.

Hope u enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next post. Don't forget to comment and vote

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