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3rd Person's pov

Jungkook went to his Job, and he wasn't really feeling very well. His feeling weak and tired. But he needs to go to his Job.

So here he is, standing infront of his work place. He sigh and went inside to be greeted by Jackson and some other guy.

"Oh? Jungkook your here. This is Mark. A friend of mind, his gonna be helping me today. Since that Damn Jin doesn't want you to be serving outside." Jackson said.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook said and bow politely.

"Are you too young to work late at night in a club?" Mark asked.

"no, I'm already 19. So its fine." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, Right. You look much more Younger." Mark said.

Jungkook just smile sheepishly.

"Don't make him uncomfortable or Jin will both kill us." Jackson said.

"But, Jin should be reported. His letting a Minor work here." Mark said.

Jackson then Grab Mark on the back Colar and drag him on the door going to the main room and throw him away. "Lets just go and work" Jackson said.

"Ah! Wait!" Mark said.

Jackson then went back to Jungkook. "Sorry about that guy, his a total nuts."Jackson said.

" Ah~ Its okay." Jungkook said.

" Well, today there will be a delivery of Wines and Some Alcohol. Your job is to arrange them. Call me if you need something. " Jackson then went to the same door and the went to the Main room.

Jungkook sigh and went to the storage room, where the whines and other Alcohol was placed. He decided to clean the place even though from time to time his vision will become blur.


Some time later. He was done cleaning and he was just waiting for the delivery. But his head is killing him, he felt like he was hit by a hammer and so.

His chest is starting to hurt a bit. From time to time so he decided to sat down and take a rest.

He really felt weak somehow.

He then put his arm on the space next to the Kitchen sink and lay his head on it. He close his eyes and decided to take a rest.

But as soon as his concious is about to leave him, he felt a vibration on his pocket. He groan and got his phone and saw that he head a message from V.


Hey yo 😢

I know its your work hour but I just need a friend.

I'm here, I'm taking a little break since I'm not that busy.


Ah! You Reply! 😃

I wasn't expecting that.

Or Your not Kookie?


I am Kookie

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