Chapter 1

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LightAmethyst has logged on.

DarkAmethyst has logged on.

LightAmethyst... Hey! How are you?!

DarkAmethyst... Hi! Good. You and gramps?

LightAmethyst... Fine! ☺

DarkAmethyst... Awesome! Happy birthday!

LightAmethst... Happy birthday to you to!

DarkAmethyst... *chuckles*

Puppy has logged on

Kittens has logged on

Thiefking has logged on

Fluffy boy has logged on

Fluffyboy... Hey Yugi! Hey Heba!

Thiefking... You say hi to them but not me?????

Fluffyboy... Hey 'Kura!

LightAmethyst... Hey guys!

Thiefking... What do you want? Jkjk...

Tombkeeper has logged on.

Tombraider has logged on.

Richboy has logged on.

Allthat has logged on.

Peoplerule has logged on.

Makeuprulz has logged on.

Pharaoh has logged on.

Sexiness has logged on.

Richboy has logged off

Allthat has logged off

LightAmethyst... Ready?

DarkAmethyst and Puppy… Yes

Kittens Thiefking Fluffyboy DarkAmethyst... Ready as we'll ever be.

Tombkeeper Tombraider Peoplerule Makeuprulz.… Of course!

Sexiness and Pharoah... You'll start even if we aren't, so yeah!

Heba's P.O.V.

I was on the plane from Egypt to Japan with a few friends. We were moving as we were always put down in Egypt, except for Marik, but that was only because he was full Egyptian. I'm only half Egyptian. We were moving to Japan because we all had friends and family there. Wanna know what city?

"Oh! I so can't wait to see Ryou again!" My friend, Bakura shouted.

Huh?" I asked. "Well, I can't wait to see Yugi and Ate. I miss my twin, but not as much as how much he probably misses me."

'We will be landing in five minutes.' The pilot said from the front of the plane.

"Yes!!!" They all cheered. I simply smiled.

"Something wrong?" Joey asked. I looked at him and shook my head. "Alright..." He said, sounding unconvinced. He went back to celebrating with the others.

Will Ate remember me? Ra I hope so. I heard a banging next to my ear. "Stop f*cking doing that!" I whisper yelled to Bakura.

"I'm going to tell Yugi you cussed!" Marik yelled.

"Do you really want to?" I asked. "Because, if I'm remembering correctly, Malik also cusses. I have never heard Yugi give a crap. He is always with at least one of the group, usually Yami, Malik, and Ryou. Besides that, I can beat you up, as you learned when we met last month." Marik looked at me, seeming to be surprised. I can see where this comes from, as I hardly ever say more than a few words at a tim, except when I'm pissed, which is quite often.

We landed and I grabbed my bags, stepped off the plane, and walked down the little tunnel that you were only allowed to use if you were gettingbon or off the plane. The moment I stepped out of the tunnel, three figures nearly killed me.

"HEBA!!!!!" They all shouted simultaneously. The three figures who jumped onto me were Joey, Yugi, and Gramps. Two others walked oveto me, one of them being Yami, the other was Atemu. I decided to mess around with my best friend and crush.

"Yugi, who is that?" I asked, point in at Atemu. Yugi looked at me, the look said, Why are you messing with him like that? I l9ked at Yugi, the look said, Who says I'm messing with that stranger? Why would I even mess with him? I don't know him! The reason I did the was because Atemu and Yami are twins, so they know the all the silent exchanges. Yugi looked at me, You're kidding, right? I shook my head, but the smirk I had on my face said otherwise. Thankfully only Yugi knew that smirk.

"Heba! It's Atemu!" Atemu exclaimed. I pretended to think.

"Doesn't ring a bell..." Now I had a new objective. I was to worried to tell Atemu how I feel about him, even though Yami and Yugi both say he feels the same way. My new objective has been to get Atemu to kiss me.

Atemu sighed and gave Yami that Help me! look, but I knew that Yami knew what I was doing, and he loved messing with his older twin. Yami gave him the Figure it out on your own, bro, look that Yugi and I never used. Before I knew what was happening, Atemu was kissing me. It took me a moment to get over my shock, but when I did, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"You are such an idiot," I told Atemu when we broke apart. He smiled.

"Will you be mine?" He asked. I smacked him across the face. "Could've just said no!" He yelled, being his cheek.

I looked at him. "My answer isn't no. It's yes! Ihit you because you had to ask!" I said. Atemu looked at me with a smile, and right as he was about to kiss me, Uncle Mizuki walked over to us.

"Break it up, you two!" He yelled before adding, "Nice to have you back, Heba. Now, unless I'm badly mistaken, we need to get the rest of your stuff, don't we?" He asked. I nodded as Uncle Ai walked up.

"Hello, Heba!" He said. I smiled and nodded my head slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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