Su Novio

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Comienzo a buscarla con la mirada entre aquella multitud, por un momento reconozco su abrigo café y me aproximó hasta ella
Me detengo justo detrás y sus acompañantes incluso aquel tipo me miran con expectación;
-Anastasia - mi voz suena tan tenue que por un momento creo que solo lo e pensado, pero cambió de parecer cuando ella se gira
-christian!! - se estrella contra mi en un efusivo abrazo y nos quedamos así un rato, sin importar que nos encontrábamos a la vista de todos, posa sus mano en mi cara y me planta un beso tan cálido como deseado, sus labios saben aun como los recordaba era como si estuviera por fin en casa, nos apartamos casi sin poder lograrlo... La deseaba tanto que podía hacerla mía aquí mismo, incluso sin importarme el público;
-Que haces aquí? Pregunta con un hilo de voz aun tratando de recuperarse de aquel beso
-necesitaba verte.. Te gusta que esté aquí?
-mas que nada en el mundo!! - murmura muy cerca de mis labios
-vámonos de aquí Quieres? - exclamó aun encendido por ella
-claro vámonos... Pero primero te quiero presentar a unos amigos
-seguro - nos Giramos hacia ellos que se encontraban casi en shock por aquel espectáculo
-chico le presentó a christian Grey... Christian son unos buenos amigos de el trabajo
-mucho gusto... Christian Grey... soy su novio - aclaro por si aquel tipo que miraba a Anastasia como bobo planeaba algo con ella Ana me mira sorprendida por mi anuncio
-vaya Ana que guapo es tu novio... Mucho gusto christian soy Emilia, Kristen y Marcus nuestro editor estrella a demás de Anastasia claro
-encantado... Ana se nos hace tarde - exclamo ansioso, Sonríe bajo un tanto apenada
-como!... se van? - pregunta la chica numero 2, realmente ya había olvidado sus nombres
-si.. Lo siento pero mañana los veo si?
-si claro
-Adiós Ana - exclama aquel tipo pero se detiene en seco antes mi desafiante mirada, Ana se da cuenta de todo
-Adiós Marcus.. Gracias por todo

                                                    8:30 pm
-señorita steele
-Taylor cuanto tiempo
-asi es señorita
Taylor le habré la puerta de la Lincoln a Anastasia y después me sigo
-que pasa? - preguntó completamente intrigado realmente deseaba saber lo que pensaba
-te extrañaba demasiado christian!!
-Yo también te extrañe Anastasia... te tengo una sorpresa
-así que es?
-si te lo cuento dejara de ser una sorpresa no crees?
- claro
-taylor al hotel por favor
-enseguida señor.

I begin to look for her with my gaze among that crowd, for a moment I recognize her brown coat and she approached me
I stop just behind and his companions even that guy look at me expectantly;
-Anastasia - my voice sounds so soft that for a moment I think I had thought about it, but he changed his mind when she turned around
-christian !! - He crashes into me in an effusive hug and we stayed like that for a while, no matter that we were not in full view, he puts his hand on my face and plants a kiss as warm as desired, his lips still know how he remembered them it was as if I was finally at home, we moved away almost without being able to do it ... I wanted her so much that I could make her mine right here, even without caring about the public;
-What are you doing here? He asks in a voice, still trying to recover from that kiss.
-I needed to see you .. Do you like me to be here?
-more than anything in the world !! - he murmurs very close to my lips
-Let's get out of here, will you? - He exclaimed even on fire for her
-Of course let's go ... But first I want to introduce you to some friends
-Sure - we turned to them who were almost in shock at that show
-boy introduced you to Christian Gray ... Christian are good friends at work
"Nice to meet you ... Christian Gray ... I'm her boyfriend" I clarify in case that guy who looked at Anastasia as a fool planned something with her Ana looks at me surprised by my announcement
-Oh, Ana, how handsome is your boyfriend ... Christian, I'm Emilia, Kristen and Marcus, our star editor, besides Anastasia, of course.
-Enchanted ... Ana we are late - I exclaim anxious, Smile under a bit sorry
-How are they going? - asks the girl number 2 had really forgotten their names
-yes .. I'm sorry but tomorrow I will see you yes?
-Yes of course
-Goodbye Ana - exclaimed that guy and I turn to see him, he stops in his tracks before getting even closer to her ... Ana realizes everything
-Bye Marcus .. Thanks for everything

8:30 pm
- miss steele
-Taylor how long
-Yes it is ma'am
Taylor I'll open the door of the Lincoln to Anastasia and then follow me
-What happens? he asked completely intrigued he really wanted to know what he thought
-I missed you too christian !!
-I missed you too Anastasia ... I have a surprise for you
-So it is?
-If I tell you it will stop being a surprise, don't you think?
- Clear
-taylor to the hotel please
-immediately Mr.

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