Error's heat Part 1

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Third POV:
       Ink had just got back from a fight with Error in the anti-void.
Ink POV:
       Shit. I almost lost that one. Heh. Luckily I caught Error off gaurd or i would've lost. Hmm what should I do? Man im bored. Oh maybe i can draw!
                    *30 minuets later*
Ink POV:
        "Alright this looks good so fa-" "Hey Ink. Whatcha up to?" "E-ERROR?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" "Oh. Nothing."
                  *2 minuets later*
Error POV:
          Shit. I feel... hot? Hmm. Its probably nothing. "Error are you ok?" "Hmm? Oh Ink. Im fine." F-Fuck its even hotter in here now. "Hey, Ink?" "Yes Error?" "Wanna do something fun~?" "Sure!"
Ink POV:
          Error's looking weird. Its most likely nothing. "So, Error. Whatcha want to do?" "It's a surprise."
        * time skip brought to you by a     
                        lazy ass author*
Third POV:
         Error had Ink pinned to the couch. "E-Error? What are you d- Ah~!"

Cliffhangers!! How great is that?! Just kidding. Honestly cliffhangers are the worst but hey... im evil. ;-; send help plz. Also sorry its short im just lazy.

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