The beginning

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A long, dusty, sandy road ahead, piss trails stained in the concrete, and I still can't see the end to the road. This golden trail seemed to go on forever. As my stallion's hooves clacked against the pavement, I turn to see my partner, who was in search of who this trail was left by..

"Smug, you sure you wanna see where this here trail leads off to? I bet a bucket of beans and peaches this shit leading us nowhere." I state, tipping my cowboy hat up some as we treaded on.

"Shut yo dum azz up before I chuck you in a furnace you blacker. I'm lookin fer uhhhh.. a Nirmar. Thass her name, and *damn* is she *mighty* fine.. I'd have hot, steamy, gorilla, prehistoric sex with her."

I'm frozen in a moment when he says the word's "Nirmar." No.. it couldn't really be.

"You mean my Mama? Oh, HELL no you gasping goon. My mother goose ain't even like black men like you. Can't even see ya in the laser gun arena back in 95'." I tell him. Smug is a real pimp, but I ain't afraid of no war veteran.

"Listen here, ya little beaner. Hop off your long dick horse for a sec." Smug tells me in that strange deep voice of his, sounding like he took too many hormonal injections for his own good. Smug isn't trans, though.. man has balls of motherfucking steel.

We get off our horses and Smug spits onto the pavement, scowling and glaring at me. "Now you're gonna listen here and listen good, cracka. Your mom is hot as fuck, and I wanna tap dat."

"You ain't tapping shit but the water in the sink of your daddy's kitchen, now cut the shit, we are going back to town." I tell his stupid ass as I turn to get back on my horse..

But then.. a cock of a gun is heard, and Smug's pistol is aimed right at my head from a small distance. "We ain't going nowhere but forward, cumsock."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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