Part - 5

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"Everything started one year ago, Rishaan, but trust me you were not involved any of this. I never acted in front of you I was all by myself. You are my only happiness in my life. My love for you is not an act. I really love you and always will." She pauses but Rishaan doesn't say anything. She sighs and continues.

"Mishal, is my twin brother. We were like two bodies one soul. We use to do any work together, having siblings of different age group will have a different bond but the the bond twins share is like a different which can't be explained. He is always over protective, caring and naughty. He is a all in one package for me.

He fought with our parents to let me study further, he is like a pillar between me and our parents. After our studies Mishal was placed in your company and started working there. I was not allowed to work, they started to search alliances for me. Even Mishal tried to make them understand but all in vein.

What happened After few months of joining was like a big blow on our faces. One day instead of him, his body came home. It was very unusual death. Police were telling that it was an accident but we understood that it isn't. I was very adamant to know what happened. Then I found a pen drive in his room in which a video was recorded. Which says about all the illegal activities done by your parents and a small note along with that telling your parents came to know that he found out that what they were up to and that can be a problem for him.

Now, everything is clear for me and I wanted revenge from them. That's why I joined in their company and wanted to get into their good books. But marring you or falling in love with you was never a part of the plan. Our plan is to only getting close to them and slowly getting to know their secrets. But it was a shock for us when your parents came with a marriage proposal to our home.

I know from the beginning that you were not involved in any of these things, forget involvement you don't even know what they are up to. What do you think the real reason behind they choosing me instead of any other girl.

They thought that I'm an innocent, naive girl who will listen to their each and every word, and can be manipulated very easily. My parents, grandparents convinced me to marry you saying that I can get access to all their personal details and can gather proofs.

But I didn't marry you for that reason, my heart always says that your a very good person and I will be happy with you. Don't ask me how? I just know.

I know you will hate me after doing that evil thing to your parents, but for once think from my point of view. They are not good to be your parents. You grew up in your maternal grandparents home instead of your parents home. You are very different from your parents.

I just took my revenge for my twin brother but there are so many people whom they killed, but just there is no proof of it.

I know it is not good to tell a son that their parents are murderer but it is the truth." She finishes, by now treats are rolling down their cheeks.

"Can I hug you!!??" He asks out of nowhere.

First she is confused but immediately she takes him into her embrace.

Both are crying their heart out!!!

"I never accused you of arresting my parents, cuz you can never arrest them. " He says.

"I thought you used me to get only your revenge." He tells her.

"I would never do that! I love you!!" She tells him while cupping his face.

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