'You Should See Me In A Crown' oc

7 0 0

Character Theme song: sweater weather

In this descendants story a few things have been changed first of, some ships will not happen like devie because one of the two will have a different sexuality, for example Evie is gay in this story (and likes my OC)

And in this story there will be a poly relationship if you don't like that, get out (Jack Frost, Elsa and hiccup)


General info

Name: Jamie

Middle name: Elsa

Surname: Frost

Short name: Frosty

Alias: Frost

Age: 15

Sexuality: gay

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her/they

Birthday: 5/5

Zodiac sign: ♉

Personality: she can be very shy like hiccup, is independent like Elsa and the rest of her personality is like Jack's, with a mound of sarcasm poured in the mix

Nationality: Scandinavian

Languages: french/english

Good or Bad: Good

Raised Good or bad: good


Genetic Info

Blood type: o-

Hair color: white hair with brown streaks

Eye color: green

Alternate Eye color: blue (when using her powers

Skin color: pale

Height: 5'8

Weight: 55 lbs

Face shape: heart

Eye shaped: almond

Species: human

Glasses: no

Contacts: yes

Hearing problems: no


Appearance info

Hair style: wavy

Hair length: halfway down back

Body shape: hourglass

Scars: scar on her forehead

Piercings: double ear piercing

Tattoos: snowflake cluster going up her left arm and a dragon on her wrist

Jewelry: depends on outfit

Normal Clothes:

Normal Clothes:

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Family Day:

Family Day:

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Family info

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Family info


Father: Jack Frost (and hiccup)

Mother: Elsa

Uncles: Kristoph, north, sandman, Easter bunny

Aunts: Anna, tooth fairy

Siblings: Ellie (twin sister), heidi (younger sister)

Grandfather: unknown

Grandmother: unknown

Relatives: unknown

Significant other: Evie and Mal (poly)

Friends: Evie, Jane, Lonnie, Carlos, Dizzy, Mal, Doug, Ben

Best-friend: Dizzy, Evie, Carlos and Doug

Enemies: None, she's to friendly

acquaintances: she only has friends, after all "strangers are just friends you haven't met yet"


Location info

Current Location: auradon

Birth Location: arendale

Former Location: North Pole, arendale

Current house:



Likes: inventing, books, nature, medicine, snow

Dislikes: people, loud noise (has misnoponia), Chad, School

Weaknesses: people, school, not the best swimer, heat

Strengths: can survive easily in the wilderness, snow

Do they use Magic: yes, ice magic

Do they have weapons: yes, she was trained to just incase

Pet(s): a dragon named toothless (after hiccups dragon) and a snow white fox named pixie

Favorite thing to do: play around

Place to be: the snow

Favorite books: inventing/science/maths

Skills: inventing, medicine, maths

Room: 245

Roommate: no one (eventually dizzy)

Trivial: she can overload on magic if she uses it to sparingly


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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