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It has been a week since I ran out of my apartment. I took refuge at my parents house because atleast here I have some companion. The night when I ran home, my parents were shocked to see me that late at night. I often visit them at broad daylight to have a lot of time to bond with them.

They asked me what's going on, why am I breathing heavily and more especially, why am I holding a shotgun,  I guess I haven't told them about my gun. I said it was for emergency purposes only, hearing that made them realize that something that is worth shotgunning for, happened to me. I told them everything that had happened, dad and I decided to go back at my apartment and see if we could find something about those three demon-like people. We left mom and my younger brother at home because mom doesn't want to come along, So I told my younger brother to call me if something weird happened or appeared.

Once we left, I am really nervous that they might be still there taking refuge at my apartment. We were half way there, I'm silenced by fear of encountering them again, while walking I am just staring at the ground with a blank mind. Suddenly a cat meowed that snapped me out of it. It meowed kinda weird, seems a little lower town than a normal cat meow.

Weirded out, I ignored it and walked again, catching up to dad that is quite far away from me. Eventually, we arrived st our destination, with hesitation, I slowly opened the door and walked in stealthily. I saw my apartment filled with rubbish, it seems like someone went barging in to take my stuff and left it messy. I began my story telling from the start to end, reenacting and pointing every detail I experienced.

We went upstairs next to tell him what happened there. As we enter my room and tried to open the lights, I saw a note right beside the light switch, written on it says "Meow, mom's gone now". I ignored it because I thought it was ridiculous and a child probably wrote it. I continued my story until the end of the story, but my younger brother suddenly called me with a voice seemingly grasping for air.

I asked him what's up, why is he breathing so heavily and he said mom's dead. He told me that he just got out of the restroom and saw mom lying down on the floor drenched in blood, but he said a weird cat  is licking her blood like it's water. In shock, I dragged my dad out of the house and ran as fast as I can towards the house, I didn't care if dad can catch up or not but I need to see what happened to mom.

Running in all street and all narrow alleys just to get there faster. In one corner, I turned and a giant lizard jumped in front of me and made me trip over it. It was weirdly big, it was about 3 foot long and it has scales which is weirder. I didn't care if I had any bruises or scratches I just want to see my mom as soon as possible.

Dad caught up panting, he just yelled wait for me but I ignored him because I know he can handle his breathing. I arrived at home running without stop, I saw my younger brother on the porch, knelt to the ground and mourning. I comforted my brother and made him call the police immediately while I check inside. As soon as I went inside, I saw the cat sitting beside my mom's carcass staring at me.

I locked my eyes with the cat's and I suddenly saw its eyes turn reddish. Suddenly, the cat walked outside and while passing me, the cat rubbed its head on my legs and meowed. Out of nowhere, the image of the note in room back in my apartment popped in my mind. It seems like that the cat killed my mom, I told myself, I thought it was impossible because how can that cat do that to my moms body, pierced with holes big enough to put my hands in. I turned around immediately and the cat disappeared, but the police are here.

The Blank Series Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now