a disclaimer and apology.

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dear reader,

i completed this book years ago and haven't touched any of the chapters since but i felt i had to give a disclaimer following the recent accusations against justin bieber. i never have and never will condone any of his actions and even though i joked about some of the things he did in this book, those jokes do reflect my beliefs today. there are multiple jokes in this book as well as the sequel where i joked about justin's racist past, and as a black woman, it was my way of coping with said things after he showed growth from these last few years. however, it was stupid of me to even joke about it and i just wanted to acknowledge that.

aside from that, there was another extremely serious thing (that i did not know the severity of) that i also made a joke about and it was his liking of underage girls. when i made that joke it was simply because of his relationship with sofia and i was not aware of the photos of him groping fans (who may have been underage) or of sexual assault stories until this year. i'm sorry to anyone who was triggered by that or thought i was condoning it because i was not. i wrote this book in eighth grade through freshman year and honestly didn't really look into the many offensive and inappropriate jokes i made throughout it because i was an idiot.

as a rising senior i realize now that i should apologize and i felt that now was possibly the most important time to do so. i don't want any future readers or readers from the past thinking that racist or predatory behavior is something i'd make excuses for because i would never make those jokes now that i am older and way more educated. this book is extremely childish to me now because, as i said, i was young when i wrote it. i won't be editing any of the jokes made, but i want any future readers or past readers to confront me about anything they find to be offensive or too far when they come across it. i think that's all i really wanted to say regarding the book. regarding real life, please always believe victims first no matter how unbelievable it seems or in shock you may be because it's better to believe a potential liar than a potential assaulter.

thank you for reading this and i'm sorry to anyone who thought this was an update of some sort or i don't know?? please stay safe and continue to show love and fight for your black brothers and sisters (mostly sisters because us black women are not appreciated and protected enough). also, please educate yourselves on yemen, muslims being held in concentration camps in china, and sadly a number of other things that i can't think of off the top of my head but will be sure to add if anything pops up. i'll be retweeting multiple threads on how to help via my twitter makedovescry as it is much easier to share new links right as i find them. if you're interested in helping, please be sure to check my account or do some research of your own.

one last thing: FUCK ansel elgort, michael clifford, prettymuch, shane dawson, jeffree star, david dobrik, and just any man in general. if i see any books about/featuring any of them being updated and the author does not address the problematic shit they've done, i will be reporting their books and you should do the same. thanks.

much love,

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