What Did It All Mean?

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During this time I began to have more dreams, some of them, really bad dreams.

One time I dreamt that I was being cooked in a big pot and everyone was having me for dinner, Tim and my other brothers, yeah everyone except Mama. The funny thing was that it was actually me on the table, they were feasting on, but they were unaware of it.

Mama wasn't at the table but she was there, or her disembodied spirit was next to mine, as we stood in the corner of the room watching the scene, both of us invisible to my brothers.

I looked down at my physical self standing unnoticed, in the corner, watching the feast unfold and realized I was starting to disappear, the more they feasted  on me at the table, the more of me that dissappeared. All the while the spirit of Ma pleaded with me to do something, to tell them they were destroying me, to do something to survive.

I wanted to cry out for them to stop, to leave me along, but I said nothing, and just stood there until I completely disappeared.

Boy!! I thought. What a strange, silly dream.

But what did it mean?

Another dream was a dark, dirty dream. It involved me having sex. It was dark and I couldn't see who the other person was, only a silhouette.

Although I couldn't positively identify the other person, I somehow knew it wasn't Tim, at least.

I was on my back and I could tell we were in missionary position, the other person was on top of me, slowly thrusting against me.

It was obvious the other person was a guy and I knew I had a girl's body. I could feel the sensation of breasts moving up and down on my chest, in rhythm with his thrusting. The location of the movement and resulting pleasurable sensations told me he was inside me and definitely not entering through the back door.

The surprising part, I wasn't fighting it, but rather seemed to be throughly enjoying it. I could tell I was happier at that moment than I'd ever felt in my entire life. At one point in the brief dream, I felt a particularly pleasant sensation and involuntarily vocalized, "YESSSSS!'

I don't know if I actually, physically yelled out "YESSSSS" while I slept or if it was just the intensity of the sensation in the dream, but either way, at that moment I woke up drenched in sweat and immediately realized by panties were wet.

I just literally had an actual orgasm and now my panties had that all too familiar wetness I was used to seeing in Tim's laundry.

What did this mean?

Another night I found myself awake about two in the morning and the pieces began to fall in place. I had just been awakened after another dream.

In this dream, it was obviously Christmas time. My brothers and I were all gathered together, but Ma was not there.

We were all in a large living room with an eighteen foot ceiling, a massive ornate wood log stairwell to a balcony on the second floor, a huge fireplace, and one wall made of  solid glass overlooking the most beautiful snow capped forest mountain scene I'd ever seen.

This grand room had been professionally decorated for Christmas with countless numbers of strings of twinkling white lights, white wreaths with silver and red accents, red, silver and white candles, a large, detailed nativity scene with two foot figures, and an incredibly large, 14 foot tall, white tree with silver and red adornments.

I might add that in this dream my brothers all looked to be ten or more years older than now. I couldn't see myself, as the dream was from my point of view, so I don't know how I looked other than what I was wearing, a beautifully skirted, knee-length, red, crushed velvet dress, white silken hose, and matching red velvet stilettos.

In addition to my brothers and I, there were four other females present, two other guys, and ten children of various ages, plus twin newborn babies.

Over the course of the dream I learned that three of the females were all wives of my brothers.  The two oldest children; a boy and a girl, were Tim's kids. Two other boys belonged to Jimmy and a girl was Jessie's child. The other five children; three girls and two boys, plus the two male twin babies were mine, adopted with the other guy there, my husband.

The other slightly familiar looking, beautiful young lady in the room and her man, was obviously a couple, a very much in love couple. I didn't know this happy couple, nor could I see Johnny anywhere. One of the two, I thought I recognized as someone from our high school days, and the other one, I'm not sure.

Before I could learn for sure who these two were and where Johnny was, I woke up.

I was once again drenched in sweat when I awoke and sat bolt upright in the bed, in shock.

What did this all mean?

I sat in the dark and thought about it for a while before realizing that my latest dream matched what Madam Keezia had told me.

A shiver ran up my spine when it hit me that I was the mother of seven children, in a dream that appeared to take place ten to fourteen years in the future.

Again I asked myself what this all meant? The more I thought about it, the more it began to make sense and I knew what I had to do.

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