Chapter One: Whats Love? It Sounds Intresting

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What is LOVE? That is what we all ask our selves, LOVE is the definition of happiness and hope.
~M Chiaradonna~

Chapter One❤️

"So what your telling me is that we're moving." I said as I stand in the middle off my mothers office, just fiddling with my hands.

"Yes! Aren't you excited, our insurance has finally been known for its glory. We're going to be rich, Ha in his face of your retched father." My mother said as she picked up her corded black phone and started dialling a number.

That was two years ago now I'm in the city of Bunkyo,Tokyo living in a mansion that rather says I am spoilt then a genius theory geek. I spent my life alone not able to talk to my mother for the past two years.

I rather tried to keep to myself.

"Miss. Yoru, it's time to get up. You don't want to be late on your first day of school." Tachibana-San said before pulling the warm covers off my body.
"Ok just two more seconds." mumbled into my pillow trying to pull myself up.

"Oh, what am I going to do with you." I was suddenly lifted out of the bed feeling as if I was flying. "Ok I'm up! I'm up you can put me down now." I said to her feeling bad for making her carry me.

"So, want to hear the theory of the day?" I asked her, she always loved my theories she was more like my mom then my maid, so I treated her like family.
"Oh yes! I would love to." she clapped her hands and gave me a smile.

"The theory today's is hope,The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination, and the energy to get started." - Norman Cousins
"Very beautiful, now get ready I don't want you to be late." she rushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

I change out of my pagans with books on then and hope into the bath I washed my short black blonde hair,my body, face, and finished off with my teeth as I got out of the bath.

I walk into my room seeing the freshly washed and ironed up cycled yellow dress, It was cute, I put some underwear on and slid the dress over my head, I grab the red bow ribbon and tie it around the collar.

I walk down stairs grabbing my bento box and an apple for breakfast, slipping on my shoes and walking to the very posh black car that would be driving me to school.

The Arrival To School
I step out of the car to only be stared at the other classy students, I push my 'fake' pink rimmed glasses up my noise waving a goodbye to Aba-San.

I start walking towards the school noticing all of the amazing details on the obsessively large building, I pull open the beautifully textured French doors to only be welcomed by a small boy with blonde hair run into my legs and fall on his butt.

"Are you okay I asked as I squatted down looking at the small boy with curiosity. "~Yeah I'm fine.!~" his voice sounded like he was supposed to be in elementary school.

"Oh, wait you have a cut on your head, let me put a band aid on it." I grab a band aid that had bunnies on it had placed it on his forehead.
"There all better."
"~Ahhh, thank you~" he said before skipping off. "what a weird boy." The bell rings and everyone scatters to their class, I simply wonder until I'm in front of my classroom 2-A.

I open the sliding door having people look their attention my way. "Oh! Class this is our new student Miss. Yoru Fuyu."

"Hello." I said and gave a respectable bow.

"You may take a seat over there." he pointed to the seat in the middle row by the window.
I walk over and place my stuff in the assigned places and pulled out my literature book.

The bell ringed and everyone started moving around talking to people, but that was mostly the boys, basically all the girls were hovering and swooning over two people I couldn't see the face of's.

I get up to see only to see to amazingly handsome boys.

"Fuyu senpai, I heard that your families life insurance has been booming." said a girl who I didn't know said.
"Um, yes, but being rich doeshave alot of perks.But...."

"How do I say this? It's very.....lonely." I look down at my hands.
"It's ok you'll get used to it, oh yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go some where after school, since your new here I'll show something all is girls do."

I nodded at her and went back to my seat as sensei walked in and told us to settle down.

I didn't bother to pay attention I class I just sat there boardly staring out the window asking myself.

"What's is family? It sounds interesting.

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