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     Good Morning Babe.
        Rise and shine❤️.

I texted my Boyfriend Hanbin as soon as I wake up. Hanbin and I, we've been together for 7 years now. We've known each other since Middle school and we started dating since High School.

Hanbin is one of the campus chrush at our school. He got this deadly scary stare, a really pointed nose and a pouted lips and that's why he became the Student model and not just that he does well on his academic career and that's also why he's currently the Vice-President of the Student Supreme Council at our school. He's also really well-mannered and has cute soft sides because he has a little sister, Hanbyul.

Next week will be our 5th Anniversary, I planned a trip to go with him but it got postponed because our finals is also scheduled at the exact date of our anniversary.  We are both taking up Engineering and soon to be graduating. Because of this we haven't got a chance to spend some time together, or meet and talk. We just survives a day with merely texting each other if "How's your day" or at least a "Good Morning" will do.

I just got up Babe. Good Morning see you at school.

A good reply from him is just what I need. I really put a lot of trust in him. He's not the type of guy that slacks around. I give him all my trust and all the love that I can give him and he does the same thing for me.


It's lunchtime and I'm in the cafeteria with my classmates. I haven't got a glimpse of him since this morning. So I texted him Babe, Where are you?.
5 Minutes have passed and still I got no response from him. That's why I decided to call him. A call is like an Emergency call for both of us. We call each other if things is getting serious.

The number you have dialed is unavailable

I tried to call him but he won't pick up the phone. I wondered if what he's up to?. I ate my lunch and still hoping a text message or a call back from him but time passed by and my class is finished but there's still no response from him.

I got up from my chair and stared at my phone. I wondered if it's broken or this Hanbin guy is really not texting me.

"tskk.. You're dead Hanbin!" I picked up my Bag and started walking outside the door. As I was walking the hall way I saw Chanwoo from Class A, Hanbin's Classmate I asked him if he knows where the heck is that guy.

"I saw Hanbin hyung on the Library earlier----" I didn't let chanwoo finish whatever he was about to say as soon as I realized that I started to run fast.

I found myself catching my breath as soon as I stared the library door. It says closed. Aghh! I knew I should've not believe chanwoo. He always play tricks on me and I fall for it.

I tried calling him once more but still he won't pick up. I've been in this situation since we started dating but it never get to the point where he never answers my calls or texts. I feel so annoyed right now and I wanna go home and cry at my room. So I decided to take a short cut on the freshman's building, there's still some classes going on so I just kept myself together because I don't want anyone to see my eyes thats about to cry a river.

I gaze my eyes on some of the classroom just incase I can find my cousin whose  staying on one of this rooms.


Not until I saw a man's familiar built from his back. My feet instantly stopped walking as I saw that Man's side of his face. "H--Hanbin?" I stuttered as I call his name. He's talking to a girl whose way prettier and skinnier than me. They're both having a really good time talking to each other in front of the door. I couldn't believe what I just saw. My knees feel numb that I can't even feel them. My heart was torn into pieces as Hanbin gave that bitch girl her bag and I saw how her eyes sparkle and put up a sweet smile as he talks to my boyfriend.

I can't believe on just what I saw. I caught my boyfriend cheating on me.


Hanbin was about to turn around as I  started to walk to his direction.
He saw me with my angry bitch-face and I run towards me. He approached me as he was grabbing my hands and started saying "Babe, wait--- just a minute let me explain."

"E--explain? I don't need any explanations. I saw everything Hanbin!. I saw you cheating with that slut!" as my tears started to fall down.

"Wait--this is a misunderstanding. Let me explain." as he was trying to calm me down.

"She and I, we're nothing Babe. She's just one of the exchange students that we have to tour around the campus" he explained calmly.

"What did you say?. Then why didn't you text me back nor answer my phone calls? huh... Is it because that you don't have your phone around you?" My tears started to fall down because of anger.

"K-kind of." He cupped my face so he can see it clearly. He pulled out a piece of cloth and wiped my tears away. "Wait, chanwoo didn't tell you?" he asked.

"Tell me wh---what?" as I wiped down my tears with my bare hands.

"I told him that I will be out since lunchtime. The Dean called us for an emergency meeting and he said that the exchange students will arrive. So the Dean asked us to accompany them."  he explained. "I told chanwoo to look after you and to accompany you while I was gone."

I started crying again and my tears fell nonstop."That punk! He didn't said that to me---" I stopped because I realized that I didn't let him finish what he was about to say a while ago. That's my mistake.

He faced me. "TEARS" he wiped my tears with his bare hands.

"huh?" I looked at his eyes full of commitments.

"Stop crying Babe, do you remember the day when you gave your heart to me?"

"y-yeah" I stuttered.

"That's also the day when I wrote my first poem for you." he hold both of my hands and started saying....

  There's nothing I can give to you
  There's nothing I can do just yet
     Big promises, nice words
       nothing comes to mind

     But I hope that someday soon
I'll be good to you and keep you safe
     I'll make you laugh as much
               as you've cried
    I'll be the star that lights you up
      For as long as you've waited,
               I'll be with you

     After a long day on my way
                    back home
     When thoughts of you cross
                     my mind
            I'll call you up to say
            I'll make good times
                for you and me
                             - Just For You

We both looked into each others eyes.
"I love you" as His lips touched mine. He breathe and I felt him smile..

"I thought I was gonna lose you.."  I replied as I hugged him.

"That won't happen. I promise"


Thank you for Reading ❤️

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