Beck's POV:
The story really made me feel really... ugh, I dont know. The guy really did everything for the girl, even did a courageous thing of saving her and ended dying together but it was really a brave thing to do. My point is he did something to make sure they were still together, happy, with her...... just like how i could've did something to save mine and Jade's relationship.
"Huh?! What?!"
"Your spacing out, Again!"
"Sorry, i didnt realize." I should stop doing this or else she'll suspect something
"Yeah, like you always do. Anyway, you done with your story?" Jade says annoyingly and bites her nails. She does that whenever she's bored or nervous. I made her stop when we were together but now, we're not.
"Jade. Stop it." I say
"Stop what?!" She says glaring at me
"Biting your Nails!"
"Dont tell me what to do! And where's your story?" She backfires
"Fine. Here it goes."
"There once was a princess," I started.
"Ugh! Why does it have to be about princesses!" Jade sighs annoyingly.
"Hey! Dont judge, anyway this is MY story so beat it."
Jade rolled her eyes.
"Her name was Eleanor. She belonged to the Eastern kingdom. Youngest daughter of the king. She was the sweetest girl in the entire kingdom, more playful, funny and adorable than her older sisters, Erica and Lily.
Lily was amazingly beautiful, the only prettier girl in the kingdom was her older sister Erica. But, as beautiful as they were, they were cruel. Both of them. They would tease Isabelle, calling her ugly and saying she should stop playing with her instruments and make her more presentable instead. Eleanor ignored them. She loved playing with her instruments, hosting some presentations in the kingdom and dances and practices in the palace gardens. The kings servants never called her names or told her what to do, they loved her and they also thought that her 2 older sisters are ugly and she was prettier. Even with the servants, Eleanor still felt lonely.The King, Simon, hated seeing his youngest and favourite daughter so upset. He spent as much time with Eleanor as he
could, but his duties to the Kingdom meant he was away for a lot of the time. He tried to get Erica and Lily to be nicer to Eleanor, but they said no.
One summer's day, King Simon got word that a young prince, Louis was on his way from the North Kingdom to find himself a future bride. He was a year younger than Erica, a year older than Lily and two years older than Eleanor. They
were all excited to see him.
He talked with Erica first. She told Louis about the long hours she spent making her very presentable, which was impressively done, with a good choice of dress and brushed long dark hair. Lily's was just as dark and straight but not quite as long but she still mad herself presentable. Eleanor's was brown and would not brush straight
no matter how hard her sisters tried due to how curly her hair was but either way she still mad herself alot more presentable than her sisters.
Prince Louis became bored of all the talk of hair and clothes and moved on to talk to Lily. She tried to impress him with talk of the King'scourt and all the nobles she knew. Prince Louis soon became bored of this talk too, and moved to talk to Eleanor.
"You're beautiful," he said, making Eleanor go red"Her?" Erica cried, "but she's so ugly!"
"Look at her hair, it's so messy and she looks very weird!" Lily screamed.
"It's her eyes," Prince Louis declared. "She has beautiful eyes and her hair is very nice due to how nice her curls are."
Eleanor smiled and tried to speak, but her sisters cut her off. She very rarely got to speak when they were around.
"But she still plays with stupid instruments that gets her nowhere!" Erica said to Louis, trying to make Eleanor seem silly. Eleanor went even more red, but Louis just smiled at this.
"You look so cute when you go all red like that," he said, "and I play with imstruments too, I've only brought my favourite with me though. I play with it when i get bored meeting with different princesses."
He pulled from his pocket a flute, and played a small piece.
"Do you want to listen to mine?" Eleanor asked.
"I'd love to," Prince Louis said, allowing Eleanor to lead him towards the palace gardens."A very weird awkward silence fills the room.
"I still hate the fact that its about princesses" Jade said annoyingly
"Jade, you know thats not the point" I said
"Yeah! But you couldve done it in modern times not making at like a fairytale" jade rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But im not changing it."
Ok guys, i just tried to continue this fanfic because i have just noticed that alot of people like this and i planned to continue it! I hope you like my idea! Please suggest some things i should add on or things i should improve on!
dont forget to vote!