Worried out of their minds

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"Kids time for lunch!" Phineas yelled out
"I wonder where they went" he thought to himself
"Sweetheart have you seen the kids?" He asked Isabella when she came down the stairs
"No? Have you checked the workshop?" She asked him, after Isabella said the word workshop it echoed in his mind and  all Isabella could see was a look of terror on his face.
"Oh god..... the-my unfinished time machine!"Phineas said in complete panic
"Why are you so worried? Actually I thought you would be more calm than me" she said with a chuckle
"No you don't understand, it was unfinished for a reason we reached a major technicality in the works and now there's no way to get them back home!!!" He said in panic
"Call ferb he can help!" Isabella said reassuring
"But what if he's busy or wha-" he was cut off by his wife
"Honey he's already on his way" she said with a with a cute smile.
Ferb finally arrived to the mansion
"Came As quick as I could heard you needed help" Ferb said as he walked through the door
"Daddy can we go play?" Melody said with puppy dog eyes as Valerie followed behind her
"Sure my little green beans" Ferb said giving them a hug
"Where's tony, pj, and jazz?" Valerie questioned looking around for them
"Sorry girls their lost in the past, your dad should've told you sooner" Phineas said rubbing his neck
" we could've stayed home?!" Valerie shouts
"I could've finished my picture by now!" Melodie yells
"Now girls no need to shout at me I had to bring you, your mother had to run a few errands so I had to bring you here" Ferb explained
"It's going to be soo boring here with nothing to do" valerie mumbled with her arms crossed
Meanwhile back in the past
Ferb still couldn't put his finger on it he knew they looked familiar, but he's sure he's never seen them before, but they needed to finish this project so Ferb decided to let it go.
"Hey how about we stop for a lunch break does that sound good to everyone?" Phineas asked
"Sure" they all said In unison
"Kids time for lunch! I made sandwiches " Linda called out
All of the kids head inside hungry from all of the building they did previously everyone grabs a sandwich except for the three time travellers who grab their own snacks from the bottomless bag.
"Thank you mrs Flynn fletcher these are delicious!" Isabella says
"Why your welcome my dear and thank you for being so polite!" She replied
"Are you sure you kids don't want a sandwich?" She asked the three
"Oh no thanks pj has a peanut allergy and a citrus allergy, just trying to keep safe" tony told her
"Oh I'm sorry dear" she replied
"It's ok gra-mrs Flynn fletcher" pj told her
After the kids ate and washed they went back outside to keep playing
"So pj do you have any other allergies if you don't mind me asking" baljeet asked him
"Well yeah I have a latex allergy and fragile lungs plus seasonal allergies" he told them Sadly
"Wow that's terrible pj!" Isabella said in sympathy
"Y'a know what I would just suck it up who cares if y'a have a few allergies" Buford said patting pj on the back of the neck, but as soon as Buford did that pj's throat started closing up he couldn't breathe and no one knew what was going on
"Oh no I'm gonna die I knew it!" Pj said to himself
"Ummm guys...." Ferb said pointing to pj who was swelling up like a balloon
"Oh no, oh no, oh no! Where's his epi pen?" Tony said panicking while searching for pj's kit
Everyone else stood in horror besides Buford who was laughing
"Hah he's swelling up like a ballon!" He laughed
Then jasmine ran up to Buford and kicked him in right where he deserved it
"Don't ever make fun of my family you got it?" She whispered to him while holding on to his shirt.

A/n: hey guys it's me! Finally an update it's only bc I've had school ok but I'm also working on a milo Murphy x reader fanfic so keep your eyes peeled

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