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She was staring straight at Voldemort, but luckily it seemed that her disillusion charm was holding up for now. Either that, or the man had noticed her, but decided not to say anything.

"I'll never give you the stone Voldemort! You'll have to kill me first!" Charlie spoke. It sounded a lot braver as the boy obviously felt, with his pale face and a death grip on his wand.

"That can be arranged." The gasping, raspy voice from no other as Lord Voldemort replied.

Charlie blanched even more, and Jay honestly hadn't thought it possible to maintain that color without passing out. Yet, the boy sent out a jinx at the Dark Lord.

Was he – did he really, just throw a jelly-leggs jinx at such an opponent? What was he playing at?! Did her brother want to end up in a coffin?! As predicted, the jinx was simply cast aside by Voldemort, and the (man?) monster sent a spell her brother's way I retaliation. Her eyes widened at the sight of the spell, recognizing it as a Bombarda Maximus.

She came in immediate action. Knowing that she wouldn't make it in time to the other side of the room to shield the both of them, she summened the only moveable item in the room in front of her brother. The mirror. With a huge crash the spell hit the mirror, and the blast still sent Charlie flying into the wall behind him. When his head hit the wall, Jay knew that he wasn't going to get back up anytime soon.

"Who dares -?!"

"I dare." She stepped fully into the room, shedding her disillusion charm. "What, you thought I was gonna let you kill my brother?"

"Jennifer Potter... Powerful for your age, yes." The red eyes went up and down her body, as if inspecting her. "You will be a very powerful witch someday, I can tell. The intelligence you show oh, so casually." The raspy voice was now almost hissing at her, and she was getting more unnerved by the second. "You could be a worthy opponent one day. Or, an ally."

What was he offering her? Did he seriously just imply that she joined him, go against her entire family, and throw away what she'd been working on for years now?

"And I, have so much to offer you. If you would just be so nice and get me the stone from Potter's pocket." The red eyes sharpened on her own, as if there had just been a huge decision made. "I could offer you everything you want... To be whoever you wish to be, and have no limits... With me as you Master, all your dreams could become reality."

Jay was a bit speechless. She'd only seen the man during classes, and he'd figured out what she wanted, while her parents were still grasping straws as to what happened between them. Why she resisted them so much. It would be easy to give the man the stone, and then she could have whatever life she chose to have.

Luckily for the rest of the world, she was neither stupid, nor ignorant enough to believe the man. Like he would ever let her have that. And even if he would, she did prefer to do things the hard way sometimes. She raised her hand, wand tightly clutched in it.

"Sorry pal, not happening." Without even finishing her sentence a sickly green looking spell came her way, and she ducked to the left. Twisting around, she retaliated by throwing her own spells at him. They dueled for a bit, and Jay was losing ground fast. She needed to think, what would he not be able to dodge, nor block?

She blocked another spell, one that could have easily decapitated her, had she now put up a shield fast enough. Immediately after, she had to jump aside once more to avoid getting hit by a vividly purple spell. Only, she wasn't fast enough. The spell hit her in her wand arm, and when she tried to raise it, a sharp pain shot through her, making her realize she had to switch arms.

With her left arm, she began to fight back once again, this time with spells that would cause more damage as she'd ever had to use before. Spells to kill, not injure. Spells that aurors used on criminals that had killed one of their own. Spells, that were designed to do as much damage to the body of one's opponents as it could.

Jay was thinking rapidly. There had to be something she could do, something to stop this tainted, disgusting magic that was clashing with her own. She could almost taste the corruption of the man's magic in the air, and it sent chills down her sweat drenched back.

Corrupt, other word for tainted, infected. A book quote suddenly came to her mind. One from a rather ancient tomb she'd found on one of the very few trips she had been on with her family. 'When faced with the corruption of the earth, many ancient societies relay on the cleansing of whom, or what, this taint has infected, by burning the taint itself. This is done by summoning gehénnam, also known as hellfyre.'

Oh god. Hellfyre, that was seriously the only thing she could come up with? The spell was ridiculously hard to cast, and that was without being in the middle of a duel. But honestly, she wasn't going to come up with anything else now, was she? Besides, it wasn't as if the fire was going to hurt anything that wasn't tainted. It was designed especially for things like this, and she wasn't going to get any other ideas soon enough, she didn't have a choice.

With her mind made up, she was mentally preparing to cast the spell. The next opening she got, she utilized to throw an overpowered Bombarda at the man, and to her greatest luck, he tried to block it which gave her a split second extra she needed in order to cast the spell.

As the man saw what the girl had just done, he could do nothing but look in horror as the flames raced towards him, and started burning him alive. His flesh began melting off and the man could do little more as scream his lungs out.

The smell of burnt flesh hit Jay's nose, and she vomited. Watching in complete horror at what she'd done, she could do nothing more as scream together with the man. His skin was melting and his hair was long gone by the time Jay dared to look up once again. The man soon stopped screaming, instead chocked off noises took its place, when eventually it just stopped.

Jay knew, without a doubt, that she had just killed the man. There was no way that someone, even Voldemort, would survive what she'd just witnessed. She sank to her knees, her good hand covering her mouth, wand still in hand, as she cried. The tears were rolling off her cheeks, and small sobs made their way through the hand on her mouth.

Eventually, her sight went hazy, before she closed her eyes and passed out, the exhaustion from the battle finally catching up to her, and she knew no more.

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