Wedding glow

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Chapter thirty-nine: Wedding glow (Emma's POV)

I shuffled around in bed, not knowing what to do with myself because obviously, after that conversation, I couldn't sleep. If you're wondering what he said to my question, here's how it went... 

"I want time, Nick. Can you give me that?" I knew he was tempted to know how much time I was asking for exactly but I wouldn't know the answer to that question anyway. 

"If you say yes, then you can take as much time as you need." 

I didn't know if I was saying yes or no to his proposal. 

"I'm going down to the bar, find me when you have an answer," he said before grabbing his jacket that he threw on my bed and leaving. 

I don't even know what I'm saying yes to. Am I saying yes to trying again? To being his girlfriend? To keep this relationship alive? I literally have no idea. All I know is that I'm saying yes. 

I stood up and threw my flip flops on before standing up and grabbing my key, heading out to the elevator. I pressed the button, tapping my foot on the ground impatiently. The doors opened and Liam and Rachel came tumbling out. 

He had a lot of lipstick stains and her lipstick was smudged. They didn't notice me seeing I had stepped aside. They headed to his room and I got into the elevator, pressing the button before leaning against the bar, tapping my foot impatiently and nervously at the same time. 

It dinged open eventually and I got out, speed walking to the bar. If I ran I'd just look crazy. 

I walked over to the bar to see the bartender clearing up while Nick was sitting there with his arms on the counter, and his head resting in his arms. I sat down on the barstool beside him while the bartender left after finishing up. I watched him for a moment, trying to read his body language. 

He seemed tired, exhausted, frustrated, sad, defeated, all at once. 

I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head up while he whined from the pain. "Hey," I said, resting my arms on the counter and my cheek on my arms. 

"Hi," he sighed, mirroring my actions. 

"So, I found you," I said while staring at his eyes that seemed a little brighter from the light from the counter which illuminated and lit up his face. 

"You found me," he said. 

"Before I tell you my answer, I wanna know what exactly I'm saying yes to," I sighed. 

"You're saying yes to trying again. If you say no, then I don't need to give you time. If you say yes, then I will gladly give you all the time you need," he said while his face softened when I felt my eyes tearing up. I don't even know why I'm about to cry. "Are you crying?" he asked while sitting up. 

"No," I lied while turning my head the other way so he couldn't see me. 

"Em," he said while spinning my stool around before pulling it closer to his till I was sitting right in front of him. 

"I'm not crying," I lied while wiping my cheek. 

"Why?" he questioned while tucking my hair behind my ear. 

"Because suddenly, I'm very aware of what I might be losing," I mumbled while staring at the bottles lined up on the shelves. 

"You're not about to lose anything, I can promise you that," he said while grabbing my hand, pulling me up to my feet. I stood between his legs while he looked at me, scanning my face. "I love you," he whispered while wiping away a tear that fell. 

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