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I must confess to a crime, then. mother, I call your sacred name because I must descend to my knees and lower my red head and cry for forgiveness at your feet, grab the velvet from your black skirts with my pink hands. I confess to the crime of freedom and as a consequence the crime of insanity. It is true, it is that I am no longer your daughter. It is true that nature swallowed me, chewed me, and spat me out in the form of an eccentric and untamed mirage that best wears the name of Eco. Tear me split me apart, draw me out. mother, I confess the crime of freedom: to exist in liquid form. I confess that I dismantled my clothes and discovered my true skin, and I confess that it takes its name from the water. I'm Aqua.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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