Chapter 32

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"I'm nervous, Jaxon." Xander whispered.

"What's making you nervous?"

"I can feel negative emotions within them."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Jaxon smiled.

"How can you be so sure?" Xander turned to him.

"Because...if any of them leave...they'll pay for your sadness." Jaxon's eyes turned darker.

They may have not known or maybe they did, but someone was listening to their little talk.

It wasn't Blade, he was headed to the library, remember?

It couldn't be Xavier, he was still resting on Blaze's shoulder.

It was Nya.

Nya's eyes widened and then she flew to Xavier and Blaze's room, barging in.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Xavier jumped up.

"I have news. I was listening in on dad and the demon's conversation just now." Nya landed and Xavier wiped his eyes before grinning at his sister.

"What did you hear?"

"I know we were probably thinking about it a bit but we've got to take this in consideration. That demon- he'll hurt us if we try to leave."

"Then I guess we better make sure he can't catch us then, yeah?" Xavier asked.

"We'll figure something out." Blaze said, thinking about his parents.

"It'll take years to come up with a plan that will actually work." Nya frowned.

"And that's fine. I'm not marrying Blaze here." Xavier sat up on his knees and Blaze froze up. Xavier grabbed his sister's arms to reassure her. "We're not growing old here and we're most definitely not giving Blade and Blarza grandchildren here."

"I-I..." Nya looked conflicted but slowly nodded her head.

"Put some trust in us, yeah?"

At dinner that night, it was mostly silent but then Xavier decided to speak up even though it would be suspicious.

"Blade..." Blade looked up from his food to look at Xavier, "Could I talk to you after dinner?"

"Sure..." The older man nodded and everyone continued eating.

Xavier met Blade after dinner just like he said and they hid in a small, dark room. Xavier made a circle of fire around the two of them and Blade looked at him as he sat on the ground with his legs folded.

"What is it, Xavier?"

"I've got an idea. For our escape."

"Good. It's nice to have confirmation that we're on the same page. I was thinking of one as well." Blade put his hands on his hips.

"Well, mine is...time travel." Xavier lowered his voice and Blade raised his eyebrows.

"Really now?"

"Yeah, I know. Hard to do. But we don't know much about this realm- or whatever this place is. We went through a portal. Blaze has helped me may take years to take but maybe...Nya will find someone here so that might keep our father distracted."

"That won't hold out very long." Blade crossed his arms.

"We'd have to work quickly. I'd like for you to make new friends...if that's alright with you."

"I understand. We'll need some help." Blade nodded.

"Blaze and I will learn from the books. Hopefully, they're not crappy like everything else here." Xavier said, rolling his eyes and Blade smiled slightly.

"By just saying that you reminded me of the old Xander."

"Thanks, sir. I'd like to keep him in memory." Xavier smiled.

Blaze was reading and Nya was taking care of Norah. Blarza was tying her mind together while Xander and Jaxon were on their own- doing whatever they did.

A few days later, everyone was quiet still but was learning more information underway.

Unfortunately, that quietness just had to be interrupted by Jaxon calling them all together.

"I have some people I'd like you all to meet." Jaxon said, and Xavier crossed his arms. Everyone turned to the doors opening and saw four people walk out. Nya's and Xavier's eyes widened as they saw the four people they never thought they'd see again.

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