F*cking Urgency

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Ugh this is so embarrassing.
*Taps out text*
Eijiro: Hey man, I'm in between apartments, would I be able to crash with you for a bit til I get my next place situated?
Eijiro juggled his phone in surprise by how quickly his colleague responded.
Tamaki: I don't see a problem with it but let me check with Mirio. We live together.

Man, I can't wait for this situation to be over with. Everything's going too fast but not fast enough. I'm restless in this stressed limbo. Once it's all settled, I can.. then I can..
Eijiro forced aside the sudden pang of sadness. Who am I kidding? It's not sudden, it's living just under here, he barely touched two fingertips to his chest before clenching them into a fist and standing.
He wasn't going to make any time for feelings just yet; he didn't know what was going on in Katsuki's mind and he doesn't want to make or act on any more assumptions he may regret later.
No regrets..


  Katsuki's task was to only gather intel on these back alley transactions.. info on the product and any names he could learn short of walking up and asking Oi, who are you?
  He had lost the client momentarily when he hung back the previous night, but found him before they reached into their bag, making a show of swallowing a pill.
  They were at a train station and waited about 40 minutes before the guy finally boarded a train.
What the hell, that route has come by twice already, why'd he wait so long to take it? He also noted that there were no visible side effects from the product. Except a lack of f*cking urgency, he cursed.
  Walking away he noticed a white unmarked vehicle.. There was one yesterday, too..


  Izuku stumbled around grabbing stuff for a shower. He says I can talk to him when I'm ready but then stops just short of demanding answers. Why does everything have to be rushed?
"Do you want to wash up first? You're arguably.. saltier than I am." Izuku doubted the recent meaning of salty had made its way to Japan, and Shoto was busying himself with return flights to notice the tone.
He eyerolled his was into the shower.
Shoto juggled thoughts of Ezra and outlandish conspiracy theories and..
He couldn't focus on flight times but he could clearly picture Izuku in the shower, when just days ago all he could do was imagine it.
He tentatively went to join him. His heart pang'ed when he saw the slumped figure, face down into the crook of a scarred arm under the running water.
He got in and hugged him from behind, still wearing his swim trunks. When Izuku didn't relax into him, he spun him around and held his face up towards his. Izuku didn't protest the puppeteering, but kept his gaze down.
To this, Shoto admitted, "I don't know if I'm allowed to be upset, which upsets me more.. and I want to apologize just as badly, but.. it's as if.. I don't know enough to do even that either.."
He laid his forehead on Izuku's shoulder. I have so much that I want to ask you.. but I don't know if you'll tell me the truth. He held both shoulders and pushed off gently. Izuku's eyes were still noncommittal.
Shoto's temper ran hot and cooled off just as quick. Like he said, he wasn't confident enough to pick which side of the spectrum to live on. He was in lukewarm limbo.
"What can you tell me? You said we could talk about this more, if I can't ask questions then what are you willing to say?" His voice cracked, desperate.
Izuku's glazed eyes regained focus, and searched into Shoto's. As if to answer, he reached up to press his lips onto his.
Shoto didn't return the sentiment, causing Izuku's eyes to sadden and plea. Izuku tried again, catching Shoto's lower lip between his own then sliding his tongue across. Shoto's resolve wavered just a moment.. of which Izuku capitalized.
Combing his fingers up the back base of Shoto's neck, he pressed against his body and kissed from his ear down to his shoulder, looking up with hooded eyes.
"You're not fair, Izuku." Shoto tried to say coolly. Izuku kept looking up, while trailing his tongue down. "You play dirty." Shoto added, this time quieter.
Izuku savored the salty taste around a hardening nipple.
Shoto let out a low growl and pinned him against the shower wall, grinding his length on him. Izuku reached for his waistband but Shoto stopped him with a firm hand on his wrist. With the other hand, Shoto reached over to turn off the water then got out.
I guess I'm done too, Izuku scoffed. He heard the sliding door and a heavy plop before rushing to follow.
Shoto turned from where he threw his trunks over the balcony rail to dry, and paused.. hot body with cold eyes.
Izuku's heart pounded with each heavy drip off the trunks. Drip, Ba-dum! Drip, Ba-dum! Feeling bold was already something of the distant past for Izuku, as he quickly cowered into his room. Before he could think straight, he was being lifted and tossed onto the bed.
A yelp was caught in his throat as he felt Shoto's weight on him. Ngh, he moaned.
Shoto wanted him. He didn't know how but he wanted him. Sweetly.. roughly.. Figures, another spectrum to freakin' seesaw on.
Shoto started slowly but surely, wanting to both worship him and ravage him. I want to wipe that smile off your face. I want you to forget whatever you think you know, then smile.. just for Me.
Without much prep, he pushed his way in. Izuku's eyes watered immediately and he placed a hand onto Shoto's chest, unable to push him off.
Shoto reached down for a dizzying kiss, while Izuku's squirming subsided. He put his thumb over his tip, denying his release.
"Shoto, please!"
Shoto repositioned him at a deeper angle. Thrusting to Izuku's sweet song of moans and cries, he lost himself to his own tears as well.
  With one last thrust, he emptied his ecstasy into Izuku.. every last ounce of it before allowing him to.

He took a long shower after this. As he had hoped, Izuku was fast asleep when he got out. Shoto packed quietly.. knowing that when Izuku awoke, he wouldn't be there.


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