one , interrogation

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"dad, please. you can't let them keep me here... you have to believe me. please, i wanna come home." with misty eyes, a boy with disheveled blond hair spoke desperately into the phone.

his foot tapped rapidly on the chilled cement floor, his body tense and mind clouded. the overwhelming stench of body odor and metal surrounded him like an uncomfortable hug that he couldn't get out of.

although only waiting in a room with dozens of convicts for less than an hour, the startled boy was already shaking in his shoes, ready to return home to his parents. corbyn besson was not fit for a place like this. guilty eyes watched him like a hawk from near and far, causing him to squirm under their gaze. bored, expressionless faces of criminals cast him glances left and right, only driving his fear.

"corbyn besson." his name was called by an officer dressed in all black, his posture almost perfect. the disgusting confidence on his face complemented by the donut crumb on the corner of his mouth sent a chill down the blond's spine. for a man who's supposed to protect and serve, he sure looks like he'll do the exact opposite.

after hesitantly hanging up the phone and placing it back on the wall, corbyn walked slowly towards the cop, heart beating rapidly in his chest. he could hear it pounding in his ears and corbyn was almost sure he wouldn't make it two more steps. "the interrogator will be with you shortly. don't move, don't walk around, don't touch anything, don't even think about trying to leave." the cop spoke, his yellowed teeth appearing behind his crooked smile.

biting his lip raw, corbyn nodded, sitting down onto a cold and uncomfortable chair behind a desk. the light click of the door shutting behind the cop echoed throughout the room, causing corbyn to flinch. he looked around. the room was dull and eerily quiet. the tik-tocking of the clock haunted him and he could've sworn he heard voices; although his mind was surely playing tricks.

forcing himself to think about something else, corbyn averted his gaze to the wooden table in front of him. splinters pointed to the ceiling, initials were carved into the sides, and scratches were cut deep into the wood. the blond caressed the skin of his neck with his fingertips, trying to replicate the feeling of protection and comfort which someone else would give him.

corbyn flinched as the door opened wide and a tall man in a polka dotted tie stepped into the room. "corbyn besson." the man started, bringing his thumb to his tongue before flipping messily through the documents in his hands. "interrogation officer marais. my partner will join us shortly." the investigator held out his hand before sitting down. hesitantly, corbyn returned the handshake. kind of odd to shake hands with a suspected murderer, corbyn thought, although he wouldn't dare say it aloud.

"alright, i'm gonna tell you how this will go. i ask questions, you answer; simple as that." the man sat back in his chair, twisting his pen through his fingers. his face was rather relaxed, not tense or even intimidating as corbyn had expected. "yes sir." the blond's voice rattled and his palms were sweating. he had nothing to be afraid of and he knew it, but his nerves were getting the best of him.

"look, kid. i don't believe you did it, there are other suspects who are far more suspicious. but these are just routine questions i am responsible for asking." mr marais spoke calmly, sitting upright in his chair once more. corbyn nodded, feeling a bit more reassured; although not much. "okay, let's move this along, shall we?"

"give me the honest truth only." the man looked up, awaiting a response before turning his eyes back to the documents sitting on the table. "where were you the afternoon of micah lorrence's death?" corbyn's body tensed momentarily, the name ringing in his ears. "i-i had just left a soccer game. i left early for a doctor's appointment."

two days prior

"bye guys! good luck in the second half!" corbyn smiled happily, running his hand through his hair which had been drenched in sweat. he pulled up his shirt from the bottom to wipe his face before taking a sip of water. he looked at the scoreboard, seeing his team winning by three goals.

he smiled to himself as he walked to his car, throwing his bag into the passenger seat. as corbyn drove off to his appointment, he listened to an audiobook. odd, he knows, only psychopaths do that; but the radio hasn't been playing any good songs recently.

he drove almost a half an hour, reaching the doctor's office later than expected. "corbyn besson, the doctor will be seeing you now. if you don't mind, a resident here will be performing the routine checkup. if there are any problems, don't be afraid to ask for another doctor." a lady spoke kindly in a pitchy voice. "thank you." he smiled back, following her into a room.

"he should be in in just a few minutes." corbyn only nodded before sitting on the bench. his eyes wandered around, taking in each detail of the doctor's office. he scanned the room, noticing a tongue depressor, needles, cotton swabs, scissors, and a few other items. "good afternoon, mr besson." the doctor walked in, blue latex gloves covering his hands. "hello." corbyn replied to the man.

he was tall, had striking eyes, and a mask covering his mouth and nose. "alright, let's check your records and i'll start the checkup."

less than thirty minutes later, corbyn was ready to leave. "i'll see you soon, mr besson."


"very well." the interrogation officer spoke, writing swiftly onto a small notepad. the sound of the pen scratching against the thin paper alone was almost enough to make corbyn go crazy. "what's your relationship to micah?" the blond breathed through his nose, his hands rubbing together as to calm himself down. "take your time." the brunet nodded. "i had only seen him around the school a few times, but i'd never talked to him. in fact, he seemed lonely." he spoke somewhat truthfully.

micah was popular, as he played as the quarterback on the school's football team. although he had many friends, his friends weren't in the same classes as him, therefore leaving him with almost nobody to talk to. corbyn almost wished he lived micah's life, afterall, everybody loved micah.

"i remember him being really sweet. everyone always talked about how nice and cheery he was." the officer nodded, writing a few more words down. "so, he had no-"

corbyn flinched as the door opened, startling him. a man a bit shorter than mr marais walked in. he had piercing blue eyes and tight beige shirt. "daniel, what have i told you about coming in late? my apologies. corbyn besson, this is my partner, daniel seavey. he's learning, so let's make this easy, shall we?" corbyn nodded with a small smile, looking down to his lap.

"where were we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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